Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Cat's Tale

                         Know this :   Being an Instructor is the Karma of a Bodhisattva .   

              Here are "The Ten Powers of a Bodhisattva " ::::::::::

              Devotion to the Buddha's Teaching and no attachment to anything

              The Super Power to increase that Devotion

              The expedient ability to instruct all beings and alter their conduct

               Knowing what people think

               Giving people what they want

              Unrelenting Exertion

               Employing all Vehicles but NEVER abandoning the Mahayana

               The mysterious aptitude to see the Buddha in every cell and on every world

               Making people turn to the Buddha's Teaching, and guiding them to Perfection

               Satisfying all people with even a single phrase .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

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