Monday, September 25, 2023

Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra ---> { }

                         I am most Proud about having lived in a Zen Temple and about having studied from the Greatest Sword's Master of this [and perhaps other(s)] Century .  I am NOT proud of being the biggest fuck-up ever in Shim Gum Do Temple History .   This one time, a particular antic exasperated the Founding Master so egregiously he called me to the 'carpet' {there were no carpets in the Temple} and began  a scorching tirade that included his spittle on my face .   He was enraged at my outrageous behavior .  I had so many incidents I can't even recall which one participated this particular [one] .    His voice was so LOUD it was causing the karate-do to vibrate with echo .   When that Eternity had elapsed there was a pause                       he then said, "You many Kwanseum Bosals necessary."  Hmm, I thought, a Mantra .   I began the Mantra in earnest, since my stay at the Temple HIS Temple rested upon the incessant recitation of Kwanseum Bosal .   

            Let's go "verbatim" :  ...a power-laden syllable or series of syllables that manifests certain cosmic forces and aspects of the Buddhas, sometimes also the name of a Buddha .  Continuous repetition of mantras is practiced as a form of meditation in many Buddhist Schools .  [In the Vajrayana]  Mantra is defined as a means of protecting the mind .  In the transformation of ---> "body", "speech" and "mind" that is brought about by spiritual practice, mantra is associated with speech, and its task is the sublimation of the vibrations developed in the act of speaking .  

            The definition continues but this is all we need for now .

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