Thursday, September 21, 2023


                         Yesterday aft, while I was coming down from an afternoon of HY, this 'arrived :   The Answer to all the World's Problems is ME .   What we, [as a Civilization] need is just MORE ME'S !   If only there were 6 BILLION Me's the Planet would thrive as post-Idyllic Utopia ---  a Perfect World --- but it would have the Nature of Huey Lewis and his New's, "Ain't no livin' in a Perfect World, ain't no Perfect World at all ."   You can read the Problem ~~~~~~ .

            "Back in the day" I figured all I needed to "run the Planet" was the Tao Te Ching, Catch-22, Cat's Cradle, and the I Ching .   I still figure that ;   but now that I'm older {so phuqing MUCH older} , and I have tempered that figure/Sword with the Fire of  Experience .   

            It is monstrously disconcerting to presume that [The Practice of ]  Zen {as Zen} can actually achieve Political Euphoria since Zen is this {retarded} "Be here NOW" Hippieatification* . {Hippie-ati-fi-cation{  "Being in the Moment" is SUPPOSE-TO "rivet" {tack weld} you into Reality >> a Reality that "resonates" as "shared commonality" .   Here it is where Reality is SUPPOSE to be this "Be All, END All" Condition-less Condition .  I mean, it COULD BE --- but is THAT Reality REAL ?   I'm hard-pressed to say 'Yes' to this address .




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