Wednesday, September 6, 2023

F Fort

                         Your  'job'  as  an  Instructor  is  to  make your  Students  BETTER  than  you   ever were .   You want to make your Students --->  Faster, Stronger, Smarter and WISE-er EACH CLASS .  They enter one way and leave another, a SUPERIOR 'another' .    

            Early on in my very brief Instructor Career I decided to treat my Students as though they were in an Instructor's Class .   Many impromptu extemporaneous 'lessons' began with, "When you become an Instructor you will need to teach ..." .    This afforded me a 'triangulation' that softened DIRECT Confrontation .   My shit {schyte} was then made 'easier to swallow' .   

            I forced my Red Belts to lead Basic Motions .   Here,,, I was able to introduce them to "Group Psychology" and to FEEL the Energies of those within the class [Group] .   My Intention was to Teach >>Leadership<< .   Here  it  is  [was]  where  the  FEELING  of  Leading  produced an E-x-p-a-n-s-i-o-n of ConsciousNess* which would accommodate the FEELINGS of classroom Others {to be contained within Commiseration and Change} .   It  forced  the  Red  Belts to acknowledge the capacities of [ lesser ] Others .   I taught my Red Belts the NECESSITY of trying to achieve Group ONE MIND, the mechanics of having everybody move >>> AS ONE .   In this,  the Dynamic of Group Effort can be FELT by ALL .   Remember, Effort is ENERGY and you want that Energy to reach the Celestial Beings who reward such Effort with the Various Blessings of Martial Arts Providence .

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