Sunday, September 3, 2023

Kingdom of the Rising Son

                         The Plan is Simple {"Keep it simple stupid"}.  Garner the favor of all my new cyber Martial Art "Friends" by delivering the Buddhist and Zen  'Wisdom of the Ages" while insisting, in the most subversive manner, that a Zen Buddhist Mind is the ULTIMATE Mind for ALL Martial Artists .   I have thought to include Philanthropy as an added [Tactical] Measure in an Effort to COUNTER blasphemic* Christianity .   In the EXACT "same way" that American Militarists have sought Public Office to CHANGE the present Democratic Ideology to include a "Soldier's Perspective" a Perspective that values {oddly} not only Altruistic Virtues , but those of Common Sense Profundity ,, I seek African Martial Artists to spread the Values of Honor, Loyalty to the Truth, and Communal Protectionism,, from the advance of   CRIMINAL {governmental} Authority .

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