Monday, September 11, 2023

Special Ed


                I was seated in the karate-do waiting for Jacob [Soon to be ZEN MASTER Perl] to tell me if my petition to live in the Temple would be accepted .  To that date ONLY Black Belts were allowed to petition .  I'm CERTAIN Jacob championed my Cause .   When he did enter with Good News we sat down and Jacob delivered  his Teaching .   He whispered, "Don't look for the Teaching---IT is all around you ."   OF COURSE I wondered, `What-the-fuck does THAT mean ? `   

            To hear 'it' from Founding Master Chang Sik Kim , EVERYBODY , has Sword 'within' and "It" can be seen with EVERY-DAY movements --- a Realization {Real Eyes} that even the Sword Master found Bewildering .   Indeed, He INSISTED "Sword is NOT `Special` .  Then again, HIS Master, our own Zen Master  Seung Sahn,,  INSISTED  that "Zen is nothing special" because "Every day Mind IS Zen Mind"  .

            More fun :   Sword IS Special    Sword  is  Education    therefore   Sword is Special Education .  I am TOOOOOO funny !!!


Rock steady ........ Steady z She goze


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