Monday, September 4, 2023

Suicide as Poetic Expression


                        I feel that many of you can fully appreciate the E-N-O-R-M-I-T-Y of my--------undertaking .   Let me assure you-- I am completely content with Failure >>> except for 'moments' of indisputable rarity .  I made a note of this :  `I have every confidence in my ability to Fail ` .   

             A mother/chick once assaulted, "You're a drunk and a loser ."  I couldn't [and didn't] deny it .   I responded with, `Fine--If great Poets were 'drunks and losers' then I am OK with that .`  2 words : :   Arrogance .  Her whip was made of silken threads compared to the leather, lead-ball studded of my own .

            I contemplated Suicide for most of the years I drank ,  the ONLY 'thing' prevented me was the Knowledge that I MAY lose my human status and be reborn in the Lesser Realms .   I wrote this because I want my fellow Martial Artists to know from where I came .  "IT" all happened AFTER I was dismissed from the Temple and had re-entered the Real World .  Bottom line ?   Buddhism and specifically Zen Sword prevented me from killing my Ego-Self --- such is the Power of the Divine Infinite .

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