Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Bearing See

                     Wasn't it Rudyard Kipling who crucified, "Take up the White Man's Burden" ?   Wasn't it the Allman Brothers who countered with, "It's just not my cross to bear" ?     I'm bearing {and not bearing} both .        I have concerns for Africa .   White men have  invaded-with-the-intent-to-Colonize the "Dark Continent with UNHOLY ferocity --- a Ferocity of Plunder --- at the egregious expense of the Indigenous.  Apparently, the "White Man's >>>Burden<<<" is NOT the wholesale Liberation from Stone-Age isolation, but instead the Religious Corruption of a Pagan-like Purity of Mind, Body, Heart and Soul .  Here it is where Individual WILL is 'exchanged' for >>God's Will<< a Will pseudo-manifested by Capitalistic Hegemony cloaked by Christian Blasphemy .   Here it is where "God's Will" is none-other that the White Man's GREED and AVARICE --- brought to bear on a Population now taught to resign themselves to the White's Man's >>> God as Profit <<< Subjugation and Oppression better recognized as Slavery .  Doing  God's  Work  is the capture of Human Beings and the removal of their HUMAN STATUS .  Vonnegut would embitter, "That some God".

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