Monday, September 18, 2023

"They call it 'Stormy Monday' , but Tuesday's just as bad. "


                        I'm all phuqed*-up .   I `put a day in` yesterday because the forecast was for rain all day THIS day .   Sundays are for laundry and generally `lite` housekeeping, hand vac mostly , but sometimes edges need to be sharpened---so there's THAT .

            I spent time rummaging and chanced upon a few 'lines' that surprised me .  I've oft noted that after a 'while' has transpired I find difficulty recognizing my own efforts .   I allow myself surprise  because my output is pretty-good* which then makes me wonder if I was the one who "penned" it in the first place .

            Shambhala Dragon Editions has its The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen and there you will find beneath "Manjushri", this : 

                          "[Manjushri] is thus the symbol for the experience of enlightenment as manifested in                          intellectual exposition" .

            I am CERTAINLY no opponent of     'one sentence blogs'      ESPECIALLY if they reach a `heightened depth` of  Heavenly {Cosmic} Profundity .

            I'm-gonna lay out a few of these sentences because they please me .  I may or may not close with a few comments regarding their origin/source .



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