Monday, September 11, 2023

Hammer-Head Stark

                        "Sword is Life, Sword is Death", what does this mean ?   When attributing 'Life" to Sword one must be aware that Sword is used to Teach .   Here it is where Education helps to define Sword .   To be  a Sword'sMan* is to live the Life of a Sword'sMan * to Train with Sword in the Effort to attain Enlightenment THROUGH the Study of Sword .   It must be noted that Sword Training must NOT be confined or  restricted to JUST physical training ----  without Seated Meditation {In the form of Mind Sword} the Effects, {results and rewards} of Sword Study are impeded which then causes a severe handicap to ALL aspects of Attainment .   Try to understand that Sword is  VIABLE `Realm of Existence`.  I have lived in that Realm for over 40 Years .   

            It is said that when the only tool you own is a hammer, everything else becomes a nail .  This is straight  outta*  Farmland Grievance  and is generally applied to MANY who cannot "Think out of the Box" .   Highly sought after solutions which appear to DEMAND 'outside' considerations are largely IGNORED by "hammer-heads" whose ignorance and failed Imaginations apply hammer-like bombardment to 'make' solutions .   This 'same' is not to be said of Sword .


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