Saturday, September 2, 2023

Flower Power


                      I have been reluctant {reticent} to use my life as a `delivery mechanism` for Buddhist {Zen Sword} Dogma---the schyte* I have experienced as TRUTH .   There is the First SUPER-Power of a Bodhisattva that reads thusly :  "Devotion to the Buddha's Teaching and NO Attachment to anything".  Here it is where I BELIEVE in His Teaching and I BELIEVE that his Teaching can AID in the Relief of Suffering in that the Noble 8-Fold Path can help {the Collective} Us MANAGE Suffering, Pain and even AGONY .  My Belief manifests as Devotion .   

            This morning I accepted ALL Friend Requests .   I have adopted Jesus' {and Buddha's} Policy to include the Very ALL of Everyday Everybodies* that Jesus and Buddha would NOT "turn away".   Zen Masters sometimes refer to themselves as Bees,  'You are the Flower, I am the Bee' ---here it is where contact with individual flowers MAY result in that flower's Blooming {the effort to actualize the Training necessary to attain Enlightenment) .   

            I must leave this here --- .

Rock Steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

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