Monday, September 11, 2023



                        I envision several stories that begin with, "The True Nature".         Obviously, 'True' here is relative to the reader/observer .    There's an oddball occurrence of   rhetorical `shenanigans` in that the act of writing is a 'true' act {provable by material depiction} yet what is written may or may not be the Truth .  What is 'true' for me may or may not be 'true' for the Reader .    I can deliver my experience as [ = ] 'Truth to me' and that alone must suffice .   Here it is where I MUST don the Cloak of Sophistry  although I LOATHE "Semantics" and {the `Art` of}  Polemics also 'involves' the bends, twists, turns and contortions that sometimes strangle the Truth , causing a spasmatic* choking of  'Voice' and a disturbing [if not flat-out] Irritation to the Reader .  Here it is where non-fiction may or may not be deemed 'plausible' , believable or just so much horseshit .       


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