Monday, September 25, 2023

"In" Sense

                         Sword is said to "Cut" Thinking" , to sever the thought processes .   This severing manifests as Suspension, meaning, once the Thinking Process is severed, there remains a 'blank' in the field of waking ConsciousNess* .  This 'blank' is sought because "...when the Mind is clear, Wisdom surfaces".   This Wisdom is enough for me since the Acquisition of Wisdom is said to deepen one's Spirituality and helps to define "Sage".  However for Martial Artists, whose goal is for the fastest reflexes possible, the elimination of Thinking is an Absolute Necessity .  Thinking impedes reflexive action, it slows you down, and worse, somehow allows emotions to influence proper combat ............sensibilities .   

            In the workaday world, Thinking is Cause and Manner of all and every kind of injurious mind-condition .   How often have we experienced a  "loop", [?]   one  or  several  thoughts  that  are  repeated ALMOST  incessantly,   as if by repeating the injury it will somehow Heal the mind-wound .   OBVIOUSLY it, the Repetition, will not .    Seated Meditation advances a Focus, a Focus that CAN directly confront the Loop, and therefore aggravate an Understanding that resolves {Re Solves} whatever problem or malady that has been exposed .   

            I must be technical here .   It is  Mind Sword, mental execution of the Sword Forms,, that "cuts" one's Thinking .  In lieu of the Sword Forms ,,  what then ?

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