Saturday, September 30, 2023

"The Revengers"

                          There's a 'telling' scene on one to the "Avengers" flicks :   they are trying to devise a name for the Justice League and Thor offers ,  the  "Revengers" .   The  name  is  quickly  pooh-poohed  and    A-vengers was adopted .   Hold onto this for a sec .

            The Industrial Disembowelment occurred during Bush-The-Stupid's presidency .   Millions upon millions not only lost their jobs they lost their {industry} LIVES .   The PAIN of this Loss was UNTOLD !!!   Nit wits, n'ere-do-wells half brains and imbeciles figure that all we need to do is {re} seek Unification -- but they are short-on the "How-to's" .   I believe it is this PAIN that moved folks from Truth to Myth .   I have stated elsewhere that Truth KILLS .  Here it is where Truth IS Pain .  To remove Truth from Reality IS TO REMOVE PAIN .   But what remains?   Bitterness and acidic {emotion-laden} toxicity .  Know what neutralizes THAT ?    2 words >>>  REVENGE .  THAT'S what trumpism [according to trump himself] is "All About".   It AINT just "grievance" ---  it's about inflicting as much PAIN upon the liberal destroyers and Global Futurists as is humanly and INHUMANLY possible .

            Biden may be the "Face of Democracy" but it is trump who is the Face of Demockracy .

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