Tuesday, September 19, 2023

"Give me eats !"


                        I must leave this morning's attention where it "lays" .   I'm headed outdoors to stand beneath Orion and his Belt .   Winter approaches and there's so much that must be done .

Further Reading :

The Masks of God --Campell

Woman's Estate -- Mitchel

Goddesses In Every Woman -- Bolen

The Woman With The Alabaster Jar -- Starbird

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene --  LeLoup

The Ideological Origins Of The American Revolution -- Bailyn

The Old Testament -- Moses

How Fascism Works -- Stanley

The Prince -- Machiavelli 

Jesus and the Lost Goddess -- Freke & Gandy

The Tao Te Ching -- Tzu

A History of Russia -- Riasanovsky 

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze

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