Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Singing "Poly waddle doodle" all the day

                     Joe and his are asking us to Believe that "Everything is 'A-OK' " --->  he may just as well ask us to sing "Poly Waddle Doodle" all day long as if that jingle would reach Rock Opera Significance and in so doing PROMOTE our Deaf, Dumb and Blindness as befits "Head in the clouds" Apathy .  

            America's BEST  >>> SUPER-Brains <<<   are scared shit .   Trump's reelection would be "The End" of the Republic .   It ain't-like I'm sayin' trump is-gonna invade and conquer Germany and fire-up the Gas Ovens, I'm sayin' that his oral Mein Kampf manifested as his campaign Rhetoric is TRULY a forecast of Dictatorial Inevitability .   Not only is he delirious, he's SERIOUS .

            Joe has "Rigor" but it's in the form of Rigor -----> Mortis .   


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