Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Swords ain't cheap

                         Money and I are NOT `friends` .   I have NEVER 'valued' money in the way that defines its 'due' .   Trying to live the hardscrabble existence of {lay} Monk/Priest  and Penitent Paladin has wrought serious financial Havoc .   This shit about "Living in the NOW" is delusional-bordering-on-psychotic .   The Chinese define "it" this way , "No money no life".   Believe this to be True .   

            I must orbit within the Gravity of Money, better referred to as Finances, so we will abide by Gravity's Force .   

             Gravity cannot be defied nor the Necessity of Finances .   I will return to this Topic as Conditions warrant .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

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