Monday, September 4, 2023

Mi Yao


                        I must be going .   

            These are my `Schools` :   The Sun Star School of Zen Sword and   Quantum Sword .   From these I will extract their Essences since the Scope and Measure of BOTH lie within the blur of Reality and the crystal Clarity of the OTHER Reality .  Expect inscrutability ESPECIALLY when I quote Zen and Sword Master Marc Fortin .  


Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

Further Reading:

The Zen Calligraphy and Painting of Yamaoka Tesshu  ---  Katsu Kaishu, Takahashi Deishu,, 

                                                                                               Terayama Tancho

Sword of No Sword -- The Life of Master Warrior Tesshu ---John Stevens

A Book of Five Rings ---Zen and Sword Master Miyamoto Musashi

Zen and Confucius In The Art Of Swordsmanship ---Reinhard Kammer


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