Monday, September 18, 2023

The WAR in Warmth


                        There `ain't-gonna-be` `no` 3rd World War --- India and the EU have seen to that .   It aint a matter of GUTS ----it's a Matter of Childhood Wisdom---the one of    "You shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you" .    Since the EU is UTTERLY dependent upon `putin fuels` there is NO WAY IN HELL 'All out War' will surface as 'inevitable outcome' .   The EU needs to stay warm during the Winter---so here---'stay warm'  MEANS 'stay WITH putin', for it is PUTIN who keeps the EU Peoples from frostbite and Death .   

            The "World" appears as non-existent, meaning , if the UN is socio-political manifestation of "The World" then it is apparent, almost "self-evident" that NO governmental-like agency such as the UN is anything more than smoke from an opium pipe or Mary-Jane's bong .   Indeed,  the UN is direct PROOF that Civilization, in its esoteric Abstract and exoteric Reality, has routinely FAILED .   The UN is IDEA, an Idea whose inmost core is Childhood WISH .  

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