Monday, September 18, 2023

Steve N. Newman

                                         I like to think of myself as a Buddhist  Alfred E. Newman 

                        The 'thing' about scholarship is that you can't just read a brillion-drillion text books , you-gotta* write too .   THAT'S the true nature of scholarship, reading AND writing, but unfortunately it doesn't end there because "erudition" stands in your way like a GIANT WHATEVER, and IT demands, "Not your easiest but your BEST" and let me tell you how much THAT sucks .  Still, one MAY be absolved from the Sins-of-quoting-GIANT-Others and use THAT Sin to woefully deflect erudition,,,who among us hasn't pulled THAT bullshit-as-magic act ?   But there is yet another "Still" .  You "still" must express YOUR OWN "analysis".   Sure you can relate Toynebee 'patterns' but there remains APPLICATION .  HOW DOES THAT APPLY TO US AND OUR TIMES ????   Relevance --- the Curse on Zen Sword'sMen/ Academics everywhere .

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