Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Shut-Down Clowns


                        I awoke with a headache, the words,  "death throes" repeating as ominous echoes .   I recited the "Great Dharani of Original Mind Energy" , a Recitation that normally relieves sleeplessness, but it was to no avail .  It did NOT neutralize the headache .   I wondered about 'death throes' and could only arrive at the conclusion that I'd been working on the State of Union, how it seems IMPOSSIBLE for a Nation to experience Failure on such a MASSIVE and grotesque scale .  

            How is it that under 10 people can DOMINATE the American Civilization ?   I have argued elsewhere that Democracy has genetic flaws ---  that these flaws are actually genetic predispositions whose presentations manifest as "End Times" aka "The End of the Republic" .   It is Democracy itself that has been used to advance its own Death .   

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