Tuesday, September 5, 2023

You gotta PAY the Piper

                         Masters and Instructors MUST pay special attention when providing instruction to those who do NOT [or CAN not] pay for themselves .   Among these, children are the most notable .    Since payment responsibility resides with the Parents-- all efforts must be made to supply THEM visible manifestation of their offspring's performance .   Specifically, what do THEY "get" from their child's Martial Arts Education ?    I told my first child/student that when Studying Sword, his own Home is HIS Temple ---  that because this is so, they must ACT accordingly .   Here it is where the students  must understand that THEIR Payment is an increase in Temple Responsibilities, the Primary of which is Scholastic Attainment .   {Indeed, in the Sun Star School the Goal is to become a Scholar/Swordsman and within THIS is the Requirement for the Attainment of    AT LEAST    "3rd Honors = all "A's" and "B's" and only ONE "C" .  I imposed this because in Ancient Times Kung Fu Masters were SCHOLARS} .  Should the students fall below 3rd Honors, their Study would be suspended . 

             Contributions for the upkeep and maintenance of the Temple was to include rubbish and garbage removal, cleaning and clearing one's room on a DAILY basis, and the responsibility of  {at least} ONE Room, whether it be the TV room, kitchen, of my personal fav, the bath, shower and toilette room .  In addition, I  imposed   on   Devon [Turchetta]   the  requirement  of Scripture Transcription and in this I had him begin copying Zen Master Seung Sahn's The Compass of Zen .  Every form had new obligations .  In all of these, Devon excelled .

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