Thursday, September 21, 2023

"Aimless Lady" or 'Slut-Action' "Barbie"

Tract 2 off of "Closer To Home" and MAYBE the best song on that album .

                        You may  want to to modify "Aimless Lady" by a COMPLETE alteration :   Aimful* Maybe .   You  mite*  figure that Miss America, in her 'Slut-Action' "Barbie" configuration {cunt-figuration},, has all the descriptive {Truth defying} "resonance" of a cracked bell .   I'm lookin' at Miss America and "Lady Liberty" to be psychological manifestations of {my very own}  Mother Earth and Mother Nature .   They {all of 'they'} exist and DO NOT exist at the Same Time .   Here it is where we see the IDEA of Democracy as Wholesome, Natural and therefore Beautiful  alongside Aimful MAYBE ---  the IDEA-ology that Democracy is the Be All and END All of {Socio} Political Evolution .   2 words IM[fucking]POSSIBLE .   Slut-Action Barbie is whore-ific, she fucks ANYBODY for a buck, since Profit is her ONLY "Bottom _____________ " .   OBVIOUSLY,,,  the Life Blood of Slut-Action Barbie is none other than Capitalism .  




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