Sunday, September 24, 2023

In God We Rust

                         I have mentally misplaced, "A society rests upon its Artists and its Criminals".   I must supplement that with, "The Empire rests upon its Individuals" .   Here it is that my F-Fort* is directed toward improving {E-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g} Citizen ConsciousNess by redefining {establishing} a PRIMARY socio-political Mandate that DEMANDS Citizen participation [in addition to Voting] .   This Participation is none-other than "Correct Mindfulness", one of the Noble 8-Fold Path's Directives .   We are presently experiencing the manifold degeneracies* of American Apathy --- the ALLOWANCE of Democracy to actually FOSTER 'Wrong Thinking' cruelly epitomized by The BIG Lie .   Here it is where our friends + neighbors and even our own family members have been viciously DUPED because of sledge-hammer repetition of propagandal* dys-information* .  The republicans, now correctly identified as trumpists, have wielded this sledge-hammer with "John Henry" ferocity ,  a {feral} Ferocity laden with instinctual Primality*,,  the one of the Law of the Jungle, "Eat or be eaten".   

            So it must be that in order for Evolutionary Change to be accepted as NATURAL, there must first be a Change in the Individual, that he or she may SEE that the Status Quo {of the Baby Boomers} is OBSOLETE ,, that now it is NECESSARY to {somehow} comply to the New World Efficacy(s) of Tolerance manifested as {Socio}Political Compassion .   

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