Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Code of Hammer Rob Me

                         For all 'intents and purposes' America IS "The World" .   Every Evil, every hard-scrabble hardship, every luxury and every corruption is SUPREMELY evident in America , for in America, where every  coin is stamped with "In God We Trust", it is CAPITALISM that "Runs" the ALL of EVERYTHING .   Elsewhere I have proffered that Capitalism IS the American God, that PROFIT Rules .   At its inception the UN   MAY   have had an Altruistic trajectory, but BENEATH the surface of Value, Virtue and RighteousNess* there is a Foundation of Greed and Avarice ~~~  a Free World that is nothing more than a WILD open-air MARKET --- a world of vast, seemingly INFINITE resources , ready to be exploited by Nations who have sworn to protect their populations by the CRUELEST means possible; and where  the Promise of Democracy acts as carrot tied to the end of a "Big Stick".  {"Talk softly, but carry a big stick."}


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