Friday, September 22, 2023

Differ Entials *

                         The worst part of "woke" is its loathing for   ANY   >>> " Future " <<< .   Here it is where the maintenance of the Status Quo is of PRIMARY {Absolute} Importance and 'woke' is an Agent of Change that is believed {misperceived} to be not just damaging to White Supremacist [National Popularism*] {bourgeois} Culture but to Global Civilization as well .   To be 'woke' is to be "of " an "order" of  Differ-Entials* who are presumed to be elitist scoundrels,,  "hell-bent" on the Destruction and Elimination of an entire Populace of self-proclaimed Patriots who FEAR the Future {ANY Future} in the EXACT-SAME-WAY as Mohammedans {Muslims} .  Here it is where 'zealotry' is an indicator of {fatal} Fanaticism .   

            If Anti-Woke-Ism * was confined to preventing the Change that incipiates* {from incipient} a Future then THAT could be addressed as PERHAPS a forgivable malady, a one that MAY find sympathy or even empathy .    That Such is NOT "The Case" .   

            DeSantis and his Anti-Wokers workers, have pledged their LIVES to a {bowel} Movement that REEKS of {a} Neo-Confederacy that is SWORN to RETURN America to an Antebellum South whose sole {SOUL} dependence is foundationed* upon White Supremacist Ideology, Washingtonian Slavery, and the Capitalism of Plantation Feudalism *   .


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