Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Rat's Ass Gas

                         Wallace's Worry-ors expressed deep concern {and here 'deep concern' is very generous} over the state of Biden's Estate-- his 'Favor-ability'* is nearing the rocky bottom that harbingers successful Failure .   According to the White House , the Economy is ROARING ,  "things have never been better" -- all due to Biden and his .   Yet on the Street and in the Gutters folks `aint so believing` .   Talking heads and media pundits insist the democraps* just aren't trying hard enough to express the Message of Success, that "it" is a 'Communication Breakdown' .   

            Nobody FEELS very good, so they blame Biden .   Good, Common, and Decent Folks just don't like his AGE .   I am with Them on that .  He doesn't talk with full-throat-ed* vigor, he whispers .  He doesn't walk, he does the Exit Shuffle .   The guy LOOKS Frail .   The outward appearance of frailty bemuses* timidity -- which in turn begets "He wants to but he can't because he's so OLD".   Clearly his "production" SHOULD neutralize this THIS  but it doesn't .  No one "gives a rat's ass" about the Economy because of the price of gas .   

            We are "at War with putin .   Biden's stubborn insistence that we are just 'HELPING' Ukraine reeks of Truth insolvency and Foreign Policy malfeasance .   

            If we TRULY wanted to "Help" Ukraine" then we should IMMEDIATELY petition NATO for Ukraine inclusion .  In this, Joe won't go .   




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