Friday, September 22, 2023


                       I've yet to devise a more easily handled term/word for "Anti-Woke" but THAT is the LEAST of my Problems regarding desantis and his  Neo-Confederacy .      Yesterday, during Nicole Wallace's Class, desantis's declining favor-ability * was presented as "I-told-you-so" inevitability .   Desantis has all the charisma of a slug , he is a GENUINELY unlikable  person but `not so` his Anti-Woke Ideology nor the Battle Plan for White Supremacist Sovereignty .   He is SUPREMELY well educated, Ivy League blah, blah,, blah ,,, but that doesn't make him a 'god'  OR DOES IT ???????????

            While I was sitting, this stood up :   'woke' MEANS "smarter than" .

            Here is some of that "off the top of my head" shit .

                                                       desantis and trump share the grotesque commonality of what I must refer to as 'Ego-Driven' Politics .  Please understand trump's Arrogance with just one declaration, "I alone can fix it."   So it is with desantis .   We MUST extrapolate from this This that NO ONE is SMARTER THAN trump and SURELY desantis .   Both EGOs subsume the Universe as Cosmic Absolute {according to them}.    According to MEEE, desantis and trump LOATHE even the IDEA that ANYONE could be "smarter than" they {are smart} .   This  THIS  brings  understanding closer to Home, where Home is an E--X--P--A--N--D--E--D  ConsciousNess* .     To be 'woke MEANS to be "Smarter Than" a fucking IMPOSSIBILITY to desantis and trump .   Not only is 'it' a raging Impossibility 'it' is an {infernal} ANATHEMA to their very Existence .   

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