Thursday, September 21, 2023

" Mean Miss Treater"


                        The title was extracted from Grand Funk Railroad off their "Closer To Home" album/CD .  

            Please take note : " Tear :  intransitive verb :  to move violently or with speed " {or both} .

            I'm 'on a tear .   I  have  an  entire  lumbar yard's  number of   2 x 4's   that need processing, categorizing,, and strategic placing .   I'm wealthy beyond my wildest dreams .  I can actually make a mistake {Miss Take} and NOT consider Suicide .

            I must house an Industry of landscape and gardening tools , plus many several machines and at least 10,000 labor-saving electrical devices ,,, as well a multiple tool boxes each an Industry Trade Shop onto themselves .  Blest* am I .

            Then there's this from The Rolling Stones :  "I got nasty habits, I take tea at three" --  which I have bastardized into --->  I got nasty habits, I take THC .  Oddly, the THC help to ease the pain that only a 73 year old can experience .   There is,  {of course}  the  added  benefit  of   'new perspective' and  new   'frame of reference'    that  accompanies  pain  diminish-ment* .     I value this ---> ConsciousNess*.




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