Monday, September 4, 2023

"Sometimes, 'bad' is `bad`"

                         The Question, "Why should I even pay ANY attention to this drunk ?"  is a GREAT question .   As far as Sword Masters who were ALSO drunks, the Preeminent among THEM is Zen and Sword Master Yamoka Tesshu .  I found RELIEF in his Life DESPITE his abject Failure with his Marriage .  He is renown not only for his Sword but for his Calligraphy and Painting .   Here it is where Sword and Brush are of kindred affinities --- and the Discipline in one is enmeshed [with]in the Discipline of the other .  

            Know this :   My Study of Sword was to provide me with an Occupation .   I had the romantic dream that I would open a "Live-in School" for like-minded individuals INTENT upon becoming Great and True ZEN BUDDHIST Sword'sMan* and Sword'sWomen*.   2 words with THAT : : Failure .   When Imagination is tainted by Romance,, Truth becomes idiotically 'benign' but NOT in a 'good' way .

            Chang Sik Kim's Vision {He is the founder of Shim Gum Do} was to have Schools in every major and minor city >>  that the spread of Zen Sword be initiated and maintained .   Those of us that chose to live in the Temple were `destined` to open these Schools .   Living in the Temple WAS the Instructor's Course ,  from 1st Star [Dan] to 3rd Star .  I wanted >that<   and wanted it ---> BAD .

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