Monday, September 4, 2023

"It's SOT to be good"

                         I have no need to continue in the vein I just opened [in the previous blog] .  I have been keeping journals since my FIRST day at U.Conn. [The University of Connecticut] .   My drinking has been recorded--- sometimes  with  only  the  deranged  illegibility  of  a   god-forsaken   sot .   As Kurt Vonnegut resigned, "So it goes" .   

            Somehow, The Study of Martial Arts IS "The Study of Life" .  {"Sword is Life" as well as "Sword is Death"}  In this, there MUST be, The Biology of Zen Sword .    Within THIS ,,  The True Nature of Sword and All Martial Arts can be apprehended .  Here it is where "Motion Meditation" can be compared to Seated Meditation .    I will provide SOME `material` for this at a later date, since the "Issue" of 'inflicting violence' is a PROMINENT Characteristic of Those-That-Believe-NO-weapons-should-be- wielded-by-ANY >>> True<<< Buddhist .  OBVIOUSLY what is theirs is NOT what is mine .  "So it goes."  



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