Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Manual Labor


                    I awoke with this mornings words rolling around haphazardly not only in my head, but all around me .   I rolled to my side to check the time, 1: 10 .   I rolled again to see if I could return to sleep ~~~~~~  no way .

            If I want to write {rwyte} AND  mow and line trim -- I gotta Sacrifice the sleep .   It's how I 'run' this present section of my life {lyphe} .   I KNOW I will NOT 'need' the sleep .   Sleep Deprivation serves to 'even' me, meaning, I will not expend energy serving needs that drain me .   In this, fatigue is NOT a factor --- I have long ago silenced the Voice of that particular Demon--- The Demon of 
"I NEED TO SLEEP !"   This 'This' allows me to e-x--p---a----n-----d the day, turning an average 3 hour day to [ in retirement terms] into am 8 hour extravaganza-of-Effort, s-t--r---e----t-----c------hing one day to become 2 .  I DO need all the Time I can get [MAKE] .

            I'm-gonna spend several days  availing myself to the Concerns of Instructors and Masters, since THAT is closest to me {at least right {rite} now .    "The Manual {A manual} For The Students of Martial Arts"  I'm holding as a something-well-down-the-road .   

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