Sunday, September 24, 2023

"Weaponized" Meditation


                            I 'love' this one, "I am INTOLERANT of Intolerance" .   There's this one ; "Devotion to the Buddha's Teaching and no attachment to anything"  ---but isn't that Devotion an 'attachment' ?   Phuq* yeah .   {So like} Here we go .

            The First Step, {"A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"} is for the Gov to make it MANDATORY for each and every citizen to Vote "Under Penalty Of Law" .    Should a citizen refuse, a SUBSTANTIAL monetary penalty that would be enforced by the IRS [during Income Tax Season] .  

            I must leave this This here .  I've taken Advil, Excedrin, and Doans that I may stay seated in front of this screen ~~~~~~~  now I'm a 179 pound "Gumby" with a liquid brain to boot !!!!!

            I leave you with this exaction, Zen is a "State of Mind", a particular if not singular ConsciousNess that, like a Sword, can be wielded as Circumstances either require or demand . 

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .



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