Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Psychology of Karma

                       Instructors should be EXCRUCIATINGLY Aware that they "Take on" the Karma of each and EVERY Student --- indeed, THAT is a True Primary of The Nature of Martial Arts Instruction .  Individual difficulties that students experience during each class may NOT be psycho-physical but rather as a result of  Karma .   It is IMPERATIVE to know {and Apprehend} that this Karma CAN be addressed in an Effort to receive it without experiencing a "I-just-want-to-give-up" mental-physical collapse .   Here it is where the Psychology of Karma manifests as Teaching Skill .   Instructors OWE 'it' to their Students AND THEMSELVES, to master the Psychology of Karma,, and the Debt MUST-BE paid with Study and Application .   "Living" for your Students is manifestation of your Love for the Teaching and your Devotion to Buddha [recognized as Devotion to the Arts].

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