Tuesday, September 5, 2023

"Keep on keepin' on"


                        I confess, it's dys-heartening* to see that not one of my new cyber "Friends" has read any of  my blogs .  "So it goes" .   I wanted a miracle .   At this stage of my life Time is NOT my friend .   There's really nothing I can do but    >>>   "Keep on Keepin' on" .   

          Tibetan Buddhist Sages routinely kept their Writings in Volumes that were then HIDDEN to be un or re-covered at a much later date, presumably when the prevailing civilization was "ready" for the Work's profundity .  To be honest with You, I DON'T want THAT .   When the fire rages it is imperative to have access to water that can extinguish the blaze immediately, since delay inevitably causes destruction .  At that point "All is lost" .

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