Friday, December 31, 2021



          It MAY be proffered that us Gyze are EXPLORERS who what to Know what's OUTSIDE and wish to Conquer that Outside, while uze Gals wanna Explore what's INSIDE and SUBMIT  'IT' to YOUR Dreams, Fantasy(s) and  "Mother Knows Best" --->Panoply---< .   I mean     there's   THAT.

          I must leave this here for now.    I gotta continue Work on the Book Project which involves at least SOME Thought Wall Work and its subsequent Note Taking.

          The headache persists      I may need to eat.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....


Religious Smut

           "Moon-Face" Driver has her [semen leaking] vulva pressed against Will's upper thigh while she coos saddened entreaties for Will to "open up".   `Hunting`,, already 'spent',,, and basking in post-orgasmal Glow, senses "Attack" and kwikly raises his Defenses.  She presses her breasts against his flank in not kwite SEARING Intent and redoubles her Effort to "Break Through".   Will simply WON'T.  He dodges her with one {assess-sion} after another, conceding [make-believe] Inmost Territory with unabashed indignity.  But Driver is DRIVEN.  With Whispers as RAZORS she cuts on Will's Won't.   When she cuts to his CORE he jumps out of her bed in a Blaze of Gory.   



Cock Surety

           There's an exquisitely TORTUOUS Scene in "Casino Royale" in which there is an `Exchange` between Eva Green and Dan "The Man" Craig.   They seek to Penetrate each other's Inmost Defenses with nothing less than Introspective Revelation.   Green, as COCKSURE Wench, insists that Bond is nothing more than an Orphaned BOY whose Conditional Rearing was all that was Needed to entice M-1 to seduce him into the Queen's Spy Web.   Bond does NOT object to Her     `Refinement`  . 

          Here now  AN  Aspect of the Divine Female as She unleashes Her Power as Intuitive Progenitor.  Bond is ALREADY "Under her Spell", Beauty, at Its NAKED and Absolute,  has disarmed Bond and made him Receptive to Influence.  Green is fucking FEARLESS as she BORES into Danny's Psyche, almost pulling his Brain out through his nostril, all the while wielding Demure and the Promise of Perfection with GODDESS-Like Faculty.  Dan is Power-LESS,,  ---->    AS ARE WE.  

          We sensate that Dan IS NO MATCH for THE DIVINE FEMALE... 

          Indeed, No mere Man is.

"Driven To Tears"


          I loaded "Zenyatta Mondatta" into the Sony and tracked '2' "Driven To Tears".   I set the attenuator to "CONCERT EAR BLEED".   As I vibrated I real{eared} I cood define Sting's Ministry with just a few Songs.  Brilliant, he is, Genius as well,, as are COPELAND and SUMMERS.   

          Before I continue I feel as if I MUST impress upon you the Nature of Establishing "Ministry" to Sting, Copeland,, and Summers' Work.  Before I moved into the Temple soon-to-be Zen Master Jacob Perl took me aside and almost whispered, "Do NOT 'look' for the Teaching IT IS ALL AROUND YOU ".   I didn't know what he meant but I was too excited to give it ANY thought.  

          So here's the Deal with THAT = .  Sting is a Zen Master, his Songs ARE his Ministry.  He EXPRESSES the Teaching OF THE WORLD, not just with Lyrics but with the Physical POWER of Sound-as-MUSIC supplied with the Teachings of Summers and Copeland.   TOGETHER Their Teaching is one of POWERFUL WORDS and POWERFUL SOUNDS.    

           Recall "Perceive Sound" ?     Well then, "Away we go".

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Pow Wow


         I gotta leave this here, at least for now.  I gotta get some meds and a can of propane.  My JOB is to find  Unifying Factors that will conduct Transmission and yet ACT as Bond to the now Degenerate Forces that MUST be Re-Examined and if Judged to be Salvage-Able,, applied to the RECONSTRUCTION of the American CitiZEN.    Being birthed on Common Land IS NOT ENOUGH to express "Shared Commonality".  I'm gonna use {the} ENGLISH and Re-Power it the Mythological Code that is said to have Existed since Man cood gutter "Me want FUCK YOU".

Rock Steady.......Steady as She goes....

White War-sh

          See the 'ruts' in Scruts ?    Well  THAT'S THE CODE.  

          Let's go again with one that's EZ-er.  Here's the Word  ------->  Blame.

          Begin with 'ame'  'Ame' is found on Fl-AME.  Blame then `takes on` HEAT.  You may get BURNED if you get near Blame.  Let's separate 'ame' into  'a ME' .  Burned by 'a' 'ME'.  Now change the spelling to Blaime, same SOUND but now the Code offers Bla-ME      Blame ME .   The last is the 1st-most OBVIOUS ===  "To blame" is to B  LAME.  It's LAME to Blame.  You can SEE it now Rite ??   That's how the Code Works, in a subliminal, peripheral, Ingognition EXCEPT that it floats on an UNDERCURRENT of ALMOST Recognition which Provides UNCONSCIOUS Power.  

          It is the Power of the UnConscious that manipulates Emotions and Feelings to Ignore the Underlying MEANING in order to maintain Balance and Levelity in the `Real` World of Surface Sensation and Attributive Phenomena.  Here it iz where "BrainWASHING" is `seen` rather as Brain BLEACHING.  Here now the Intention of the Extremist Rite, to WHITE WASH All Things INCLUDING History in order to Reinforce existing Industrial Fortresses those of  the Ante-Bellum Status Quo. 


Scruts (pronounced Screwts)

               I gotta tell-ya, I have SCREAMED    BLOODY FUCKING MURDER  as I stood GLARING over Marc's Cudgel-ed CORPSE victimized by his SUPERHUMAN Arrogance.  Oh yeah and FUCK OH YEAH.   HOW               I SCREAMED  can-so  Intelligent  a  Man   BEEEEE  so  fucking INSCRUTABLE ?????  Have I no Scruts ??  Have I somehow screwed myself OUT-OF Scruts ???????  Screwed out of Scruts that CANT-BE good.

          Master Fortin's `Clusterfuck Gibberish` HAD to have Originated SOMEWHERE in this fucking Galaxy but WHERE ?   Marc ladens each word with Extra Terrestrial foreboding that DEFIES any essential Screening for Contamination and Infection.  2 words   HOW ????????

          It's like those fucking "Crop Circles"  ----  Marc uses his Language as fucking CROP CIRCLES ~~ I sed it before and I'' say it again =  HOW MANY YEARS DO I GET FOR MANSLAUGHTER.  Marc DESERVED Manslaughter because HE has SLAUGHTERED the Earth English with DIABOLICAL Ignominy and a forensic verbal diarrhea reminiscent of That Guy on the TV Show "The Smothers Brothers" whose Rhetorical (seemingly Alchemical) Orations devolved into Blather and "Kenny" South Park Mumble Jumble.  

          Clearly In order to fathom Marc's Depth I needed Scruts.


Code = See Ode

           Dr. Ken Ring told wrote me [that] the Role of the Contemporary Writer iz to RE-Tell the Ancient Myths and Stories in order to Modernize them, thereby Reinforcing their Actuality of Meanings, [and, in the case of Cherished Wisdoms, Re-Supplying them with Universal Energy, the One of Stability, Levelity and Plumb].  I didn't know WTF he wuz 'talkin' about until Yesterday, when, az already noted, I Broke the Code.

          There's This,    Hamlet's Mill   An Essay Investigating the Origins of  Human  Knowledge 

                                                    and Its Transmission Through Myth.       

           In shrt Myth iz CODED.  Now that's my term not theirs but they DO Utilize 'Code' through their MASSIVE `Essay`.  WITHIN the Myths, Stories, and Folk-{Laws} is a sub-textual 'Language' that MAY be mis-construed as  >>>> "...if you read between the Lines..." <<<< .   The 'It' of Code is that It has a PSYCHOLOGICAL [Mind Bending] Attribute that keeps it Invisible TO A POINT.  This Invisibility is far MORE than Merely Adequate since {Universal} Common-Ality is SUPPOSE to be a 'Force' that binds us to a Cognitive and 'Kitchen-Table' Reality and the Code in no way obstructs Pavlovian Superficiality, the so-called "Everyday "Bah and Humbug" of "Face to Face" Social Intercourse.  But..........

           Ah Yes  the   BUT ............. .

Little Red Riding Hoodlum

           Yesterday I "Broke the Code".   Once I did I sat in abject RELIEF.  I was flooded with an almost NARCOTIC Delirium that I figured was "Heaven Sent".   The Writing Realm of Contemporary Aggravation is simply EZ-ER than trying to Describe the Un-Describe-able using cliches and harass- me{a}nts better left to sequined orators and hooded story tellers.   Still, this morning's Work requires anOther Stephen, who has shied away from ANY Exposure because he-i  considers himself  ALREADY "Out of bounds"   with regard to Cultural `Main-Stay` and Civilizational  "Logos".

          I must Introduce You, [or RE-Introduce You] to "Philology" = = =  3.)  "the study of written records, especially literary texts, in order to determine their authenticity, MEANING, 'et cetera'."

          Let me example the "Code" -------->

           "When you Steal, Steal from the BEST ."       

Trench of Vipers


          I confess........ .  I ran away from Work in order to Empty my brain-Mind.  I will Confess to a FEAR that tries to Excuse ItsSelf as NECESSARY Premonition.  Self Doubt and I are EXCEEDINGLY Intimate.  She's uP there with Alone-li-Ness and together they have the Power of the Twins = = Mother Earth and Mother Nature.   Master Fortin's Work lie as Nest of Serpents, Cobras and Rattle Snakes and the Mother of ALL Anacondas.    Even my Kung Fu, that of Cobra, did NOT lessen the Bite and Poison, I anticipated would be my Demise should I advance Un-Protected into the Trench of Vipers.  

          So, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          I ran  Away.



Sunday, December 26, 2021

Blinded by the Fright

          'Christendom' was transmogrified to become Christen-DUMB.   Average Joe and Average Mika were SURROUNDED by Stone Age Aggravation, Hostility and FEAR.  This FEAR obstructed Mental Acuity so much so that even Common Sense became IMPOSSIBLE to Access.   The Left's INABILITY to forcefully Recognize the Demise and ultimate Downfall of Democracy was manifested in THEIR Desire for a "Return to Normalcy" which DENIED the Cafeteria "Common Sense" of  "Aint no one gonna make a fucking cucumber into-a fucking pickle".   

        Dispositional Apportionment, check that, Spiritual Dispositional Apportionment did little if NOTHING to countervail the Onslaughts of seemingly TORNADIC Political Devastation.  The so-called Media "Brites" , that is, Those that wished to be numbered among Political Scientists, were heard, in INSUFFERABLE  Contexts BEGGING for ATTENTION TO DIRE URGENCY.   They clung by their fingernails to a willow Thread of Democracy , the one of  Hope  as  Essence of Power.   



           Incessant Pressure and Unremitting Horror combined to produce a `Dis`-Reality not only Devoid of Truth but Parasitic as well.  Propaganda Prevailed as "Control of the Narrative" where 'Narrative' is code for Myth.   The Reversion to Stone Age ConsciousNess unleashed a Primal Ferocity that DRAINED  the "Flight or Fight" INSTINCTUAL Response of `Civilized Folk` whose Horror of WHAT-WAS-HAPPENING-RITE-BEFORE-THEIR-EYES produced a Catatonia that was marked by (a) Mental Insolvency and Emotional (Pathological) Helplessness which then generated  Misanthropic Delusion.

        Leftist Exasperation produced pleading Cries for the Rite to 'WAKE THE FUCK UP'... an EGREGIOUS Impossibility due to the Very Nature of Instinctual Primality, the one where the Masses are returned to a Levy-Brull (sic)  "Participation Mystique".   At this Junk-Ture, NO amount of REASON would be capable of Effecting and AFFECTING the "Herd Instincts" of the Myth Bound Rite, a Rite whose Leaders KNEW that they faced their own Evolutionary EXTINCTION and because of the Instinct of Self Preservation, would then DO and SAY   ANYTHING   in order to maintain their Existence.  





Friday, December 24, 2021



        I must leave this here, the Writing Office is a fucking shit hole of clean laundry and items slothfully ignored.  I am PATHETIC !!!!!!!!   I'm off to launder, organize and reposition.  Wish me Lunk.

        It would behoove you Gyze to vies me as a FOUR FACED ENTITY whose fourth Face can view Time.

        My Ministry is Devoted to YOU, my Gentle Readers, so that ALL of "Us" can Build a Reality in which Virtue is Extolled on a Moment-to-Moment Foundation .   I will TRY and Concentrate (Consecrate) Focus on Ones' "Majesty of Being".   

          The Place is HERE the Time is NOW.

      Rock Steady........Steady as She Goes....


         I'm NOT Anti-Einstein but he IRRITATES the fuck outta me.  WE DON'T THINK IN NUMBERS We think using WORDS.  The elevation of Arithmetic to Mathematics does NOTHING to Advance the Comprehension of Physical OR Spiritual REALITY to those of us afflicted by the GENETIC Frailties of Finite Human Irrevocacy .   Give me just ONE Equation that Identifies What it is to LOVE.  No one iz-gonna find it BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST.   Poets NOT Mathematicians present MANIFOLD Aspects of the Divine Beauty and do so with IRREFUTABLE Magnificence.   Shit    where was I ?

        No one can Imagine the Declaration of Independence NOR the Constitution using Numbers or Equations.  Are you fucking kidding me WHO COULD ???   Words concretize (to make concrete) Imagination and in so doing RELEASE the Spirits that lie Dormant within the Human Psyche.   The Volitional Application of Imagination 'opens the door' to Divinity which can then Imbue Words with MEANING.   We are presently residing in a Realm where both Spirit and Meaning have been BRUTALIZED by Resent-laden Negation .   Status Quo 'Stereo-Type-ery' has acted like a "Black Hole" whose Gravity prevents any and ALL Escape of even the Concepts of Virtue and worse COURAGE.  

        There is no GREATER Time than JUST NOW to Enter INTROSPECTION in order to gain Access to The Upper Realms of Highest Order Conditionality.  THAT is where We SHOULD-BE Headed.

"Happiness in Strife....."


        I must take the Sword-Pen from one Hand and give it to an Other .   (I have Eight).    I must leave what has Preceded 'Open' but I must appreciate the Presence of an Evangelical Gutter (Gotta) Romanticist who suffers from Delusions of 'Pied Piper-y' and tarries about with Syrup-as-tar Refinery.   I awoke at 2:15 a.m. with the Morning's Proscriptions well in Mind.  Every so often the Future is revealed as IMMEDIATE ACTUALITY, thereby providing no mere Glimpse of "What Lies Ahead" but the actual Panoramic VISTA , in "TechnoColor" no less.   So it is that the Divine Infinite Blesses the "Here and Now" with Beatific Aplomb.   

        The Other Day I  'Received'  Epiphany .  I have always desired to have a Ministry based upon the Zen of St. Mary Magdalene  and  Buddha's Zen Sword and, of course, the Mind Sword of Jesus the Christ.    The Epiphany revealed its Exposure.   




Honest Lie-ing

        If 'Hypocrisy' is to be considered the 'Life Blood' of Corruption, so must Honesty be considered the 'Life Blood' of Integrity.   War, in all ,its Aspects of undeniable Atrocity, had forced Honesty to evaporate leaving behind not even a mote of Residue.  BOTH Sides inclined toward a Reality FREE from Introspection, relying instead upon, as stated earlier, Primal Recidivism and Open Denial.   Actions and Speeches were executed that IGNORED Honesty and EMBRACED Myth.  Propaganda was promulgated with Brain Washing Agency while  the Myth of Democracy Surety continued to Promote Denial.   

        Ubiquitous Perversion spread like the Omnipresent Covid-19 Plague.  

        "Battle Lines" were not and COULD NOT be 'Drawn' since Familial Piety Sanctioned Civil War Indemnity.   Instead, a Zombie-like Cannibalism invaded each and every Household with savage Predatory Revulsion.  No one was Safe, No One COULD-Be Safe.

"Naked and Afraid"

         The American Conscious, the COLLECTIVE Conscious, was surrounded not just by 'inadequacy and ineptitude', but by the insidious Aggravation of BLATANT Corruption, insidious here to connote its Subliminal and Sub Conscious Violation.   The Citizen was wholly UNPREPARED for such egregious Onslaught and in order to achieve at least SOME Semblance of Balance and Levelity (Level + Ity) Average Joe and Average Mika reverted to Times of Yesteryear and Bygone Dramas of Reality-as- Theater.   Since the Present Reality of Horror, Terror and an One DEVOID of Truth and Trust was actively UNTENABLE there was no Recourse save Psychological Reversion, the one of Primal INSTINCTUAL Panorama and the Abject DENIAL of Proximal Devastation.  

        ALL Democracy Based Institutions and ALL Slavery Capitalist Industries were viewed as COMPLETELY Corrupt which then Commanded a DEADENING of Senses and REASON that the now almost Mortally Wounded Psyche NEEDED to Survive.  

Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Incredible Skulk

          The BEST of the Ancient Generals DEFILED the Spirit of Marcus Aurelius by choosing to Save Themselves, rather than Confront trump and his Hitlerian Demagoguery .   Too old, too weak and too LAME characterizes their PATHETIC efforts to keep trump within the Confines of APPROPRIATE Presidential Deportment, Behavior and Conduct.   Here it is where "Old generals don't die they just fade away" must be updated to, "Old generals don't die, they just SKULK away."



         ....nor should the Platonic Souls of Academia escape Earthly Judgement as Critical Evaluation.   Did the Presidents of Colleges and University-s Unite in Opposition to trump and his Hitlerian-like Administration and Issue   `EDICT OF POLITICAL TRANSGRESSION`   ?????    Fuck No.   Here, the issuance of "SHAME" does not ext----end Far enough nor Deep enough with regard to Academia's [UN]Scrupulous lack of CULTURAL Political Scrutiny.   Once again, Corruption, in the form of Alumni Endowments, GUARANTEED Silence for the EXACT SAME REASONS that Church Peace Mongers aggravated Higher Order Sensitivity with their Damned Soulful "We can't get involved, it's not our Place".  


You wash your hands, I'll wash mine.

         During the reign of `king rump` there existed a "Golden" [Rule] Opportunity for Ecumenical Unity and with the Christians the Islamic and Judaic Traditions could have Weaponized the Universal Absolute of "All Life Is Sacred", thereby DENYING Political Cruelty as Manifestation of Conservative Ideology.  The Street and Gutter cries of "Those assholes aint got no Shame" should have INCLUDED most members of  ALL Clergy-(s).   Instead what transpired and what CONTINUES to Transpire is the Wholesale Denunciation, Pontius Pilot 'style', of the Crucifixion of Miss America-as-Democracy.  

        SIN as FOUNDATION of Religion.  

Glass Ass

         The hierocratic ecclesia of ALL so-called Religions did little to promote Recognition of the (at first) Erosion of `ETHICAL Morality`, focusing instead on the suspension of the POLITICAL Will of the American Populace at large, i.e., Rowe versus Wade.   Great Others DID Recognize 'Material Spiritualism' for what it was, a debasement of Highest Order Virtue and its subsequent supplant-ation by POLITICAL Corruption.   Here the Church, as in All Churches, are MIRRORS of Government in that where the Gov mandates Taxation, the Church mandates Benefaction in the form of weekly Donations and such.  The analogy cannot be ignored and MUST not be Ignored because the 'Church' is certainly nothing Less than a `Foundational`  Aspect of the Status Quo, here it is where the Gravity of the Status Quo PREVENTS True Virtue from entering the Psycho-Religio Sphere of Public Consciousness.  

        On the Street that 'It' looks like this =  

                                  "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." 


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

"All Rise"

         Let us pray, Heavenly Father and Mother and all Uze kins, we knowd You been fucken us over left then rite, we knowd we dun deserve thy Wrath and Vengeance for have we not allowed SINNERS and BLASPHEMERS to populate YOUR land ?   We dun tried to keep them wicked from attaining Your Grace and Virtue by keepen em chained up as YOUR slaves but they got them a will of their own and they dun kepta multiplyen in such a Mystery that we don't understand.   We dun put YOUR Scurge on all them faggots, queers jews and niggers but they just keepa comen.  We beg Thee to give us MORE of YOUR Divine Hatred that will give us the Power so that weez can rid ourselves of THEIR existence.  We ask this in Your Name for Thy Will be dun.

Unification by Invisible Fraud

         Taxes became MANDATORY   'Offerings to the Gods'    EXCEPT, of course, if you dwell-ed in the Realm of the Gods.   Who would DARE to Tax the Givers of Life ?  Would Taxation not ANGER the gods who  would  then  CHOKE  the  Supply  Lines  that  fed  and fueled  the  Entire  Nation ?????  No, Worship DEMANDED Sacrifice.  You can't miss this ---->  "Trickle Down", correctly designated, 'Supply Side Economics',, was submitted by the 'gods' to Justify their Exemption from Taxation.   "Trickle Down" was `received` by the Population of  Lessers  WITHOUT  Critical Analysis  BECAUSE they had ALREADY been transitioned from Farming `Trust in Themselves` to Trust in Machines and therefor the Generators of Machines, MONEY-D Slavery Capitalists,, who, by then, were somewhat cloaked by 'Corporation Invisibility'.    



         Once "In God We Trust" was printed on every bill and stamped onto every 'metallic Pindar disc' a Fate and Destiny of Plight, Blight and Fright was FOREVER Etched onto and INTO the Minds, Hearts and Souls of an American Populace whose Faith in Trust itself was to be 'torn asunder' by Capitalism's Savage Ravagery.   The Faces of long dead Presidents then became the 'Faces of God'.  Consequently Money was Worshiped, so too its Source, Profit.   "And so it came to pass" that those who HAD Money, REGARDLESS OF THE SOURCE OF ITS ACQUISITION became 'Godlike'.   The more Money you had the Greater your Presence among the `Lessers`.   Ruthless Cruelty, for the Acquisition of Money, was then to be ACCEPTED as "God's Will".   Here now was to be experienced ALL the Power of the All-Mighty THAT COULD NOT BE CHALLENGED for who is ANY to Challenge the Will of God the Father All Mighty ???? !  Let not one stand in Opposition to the Divine for HE is the Ruler of All Peoples and all THINGS.  

        ...and Darkness descended upon the people .

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

"Do not ask, 'For whom does the bell toll' ?"

          Death knells reverberated throughout the Land, even finding Sound among the Myths and Legends of Storybook Regimen.   No longer was Paul Bunyan revered and `paradigmed` as a "Man's Man",  it was the Legend of John Henry that supplied the Sorrow-Laden Reality of "World Ending" Catastrophe.

        As the Story 'goes' John Henry was a "Hard Drive-n Man" the Apex of Human Industry.   He was a RR Tie Spike Driver, a Toil of Unquestionable Exhaustion, yet he could work "Sun Up to Sun Down" with UNRELENTING Intensity.  No mere Mortal could Challenge his adroit Supremacy.

       One day a City-Slick Salesman ventured on Site to introduce his MACHINE, an Steam  Driven Pneumatic Hammer, he said, "Could outwork ANY Man".  All Championed John Henry as he accepted the Challenge for Hammer  Superiority.

      The Day unfolded.  John Henry was barely able to 'keep up' with City Slick but at the end of the Event John Henry had Won.  It is believed that horses will gallop until they collapse before Death.  So it was with our John Henry.

      There was a Toll.  John Henry paid it with his LIFE.

      The Machine had Won after all.

       Man could NOT Equal Machine.   


"Land of the Lost"

         I am not going to included the Blog that is suppose to follow the previous tw o.  I don't have the Strength nor the Stamina.  It has to do with the `Physics of Psychological Logic` and is aptly titled "The Worm Hole".  

        Dispositional Transaction allows me to "Fast Forward" with nothing but Suspicious EEZ.  That said, it also allows me to maintain contextual Contact with the Previous Blogs and does NOT Dis-Connect or Sever the Thread of Today's Transmission.  

        The Way of the Ancients had prepared the farmlands for WasteLand Atrocity.  The Winds of Dust-Bowl Sandblast wore away any and ALL Vestiges of the Agrarian 'World View'.   This View included the Common Sense Wisdoms that had, for GENERATIONS,, Foundationed the Values, Virtues and American STANDARDS of Citizen Behavior and Deportment.  Among the most Cherished of These, "A penny saved is a penny EARNED", "An ounce of Prevention is worth  a pound of Cure",,  and the Richest :  "Money does NOT Grow on Trees".

        With THAT Demise  Frugality as a VIRTUE   was seemingly Lost into Forever.  



1.00 + 1.00 = 10000

         The Arithmetically Astute among You will have identified the "Transitive Principle" [ A = B, B = C,, A = C ] as the active Agent.  Just before "God = Credit" there is a Space .  Hold on to this 'Space' for a moment .   OBVIOUSLY Credit does  NOT    EQUAL   God.    However, in Applied Psychology there IS a 'Logic of the UN-CONSCIOUS'  that DEMANDS not only Balance but Stability as well.  That there CANNOT be Equality does NOT enter Real-Time Cognition, because it SEEMS Preposterous.  In fact it  IS Preposterous most Definitely  BUT !!!! That's NOT How the Psyche receives and TRANSLATES that Sensory Input.   The Unconscious DEMANDS Balance and Stability as mentioned above.  In order to reach Stability, the Equations in the previous blog are somehow assigned Equality which then Balances the Equation Satisfactorily .  This Balance DOES NOT HAVE-TO BE TRUE in order to achieve Stability.  What happens is that the Conscious Mind 'continues'   As IF   Un-effected by the Presence of PSYCHOLOGICAL TRUTH.  However , beneath the Conscious is this UN Truth that "works" to generate a Dis-Ease, it acts like a 'grating agent' delivering the Anxiety of the Conscious manifested as the Feel of  "Somethin' aint right".

Ill Logic

         `Street and Gutter` proximal Analysis must be 'stepped uP' in order to provide a 'Next Level' Observation.  Here, 'stepped uP' is LITERALLY just that, we'r-gonna get out of the Gutter onto the Sidewalk and from there into Banks.  

        The Abject NECESSITY for Tractor Power could NOT be Denied.  In order to 'get' a Tractor one HAD-TO avail the Lending Services of the Local Bank.   Here now "Credit".

        I'm-gonna display a few Equations that use Arithmetical Simplicity as OBVIOUS `Figurations`.  You're gonna-hafta 'Hold On' and allow me this Latitude.  I MAY provide the Psychology AFTER, no promises.

                                                           In God We Trust

                                                           In Credit We Trust

                                                            God = Credit.

It gets worse.

                                                           In God We Trust

                                                           In Credit We Trust

                                                            Credit = Money

                                                           In Money We Trust

                                                            God = Money.

Do Not Fear The Reaper

         We must return to the Great Depression, what I have tagged the Great Desolation, because I don't believe its "Arrival" has been recognized for what it is, the DEATH of a Democracy based upon Agrarian Principles, (if Principles is to be used at all),,, and the Birth of Corporationism, to be recognized as THE 'Vehicle' that dragged Stone Age Practices, Customs and SUPERsticions into the Modern (Tractor) Era which further Evaporated Democracy Ideals and with them, the SOCIAL Reliance on one's Neighbors, one's Church and whatever Governmental Agency still available, (if any).

        'The-Farming-Practices-of-the-Past', once "Tried and [found to be] True" could no longer be applied to, what I will tag `Expanse Farming".   The Ancient had become Obsolete.  It could no longer be Trusted.  Indeed, in order to provided NATIONAL  Harvests, Farmers were FORCED to Trust  Agronomists.  

        Reliance on SELF was shifted to Reliance upon Machinery. No one Farmer was going (the fuck) ANYWHERE without Tractors and Implements, MACHINERY.   The term "Hands On" was enlARGED to "Hands on the Steering Wheel".  Farmers became OPERATORS.  Once soiled jeans were now oil and grease laden.  `In-Field-Time` that was once dependent upon Horse, Mule and Oxen could be exp a  n   d   e    d  even beyond Daylight Hours, since Tractors became equipped with Head and Ass Lamps.   A Farmer's Day need not know Darkness.


Monday, December 20, 2021

King George Jettison

     I've been forced to redefine Hope.  I'm figure-n it to be the SPIRIT of even FATALISTIC Optimisms which then MUST be supplanted by the far more descriptive  'Futurism'.    Here `If our Hope is Brite the Future is Illuminated`.   Fuck all that shit.  I aint buy-n ANY semblance of the Biblical Hope that for Reasons only the Continuum can provide, saw an "It" kill its own in the `To Paradise or Die` "Death March" romantically depicted as the 'Exodus".   Hope as SPIRIT that's what I'm say-n .  With that, "The Hope as Spirit" can reside  alongside the Spirits of Life and Death on Quasi-Equal 'Footing'.  

     DeHumanization and to some extant DePersonalization are begotten by Dis-Spiriting, which MUST Occur FIRST.    "I" deology  CHOOSES to IGNORE Universal Compassion, the Recognition that "I am You <---> You are ME", and as a result of this Jettison   the Psyche can then find an ARITHMETICAL 'Optimum' which tolerates and PROMOTES --->  DISSONANCE   as a MEANS to distract, deflect and diminish , Societal Norms, Mores, Standards and CUSTOMS Traditionally Associated by CORRECT Socio-Political   Deportment .   Here    Recognize AmeriKKKan [Anti-]RepubliKanism.

"King of Pain"

         To Equate a Human to (with) a Machine is to CORRECTLY connote just ONE Essence of Slavery Capitalism.  It may be postulated that ALL Capitalisms REQUIRE at LEAST some Measure or Degree of DE-PERSONALIZATION [at the Alpha] and DEHUMANIZATION [at the Omega].    Here it is where the so-called "Bottom Line_____"    RULES   ConsciousNess WITHOUT the Cognitive Actuation of  Socially Accepted `Ethics Orientation`.   Good, Honest and DECENT Folks were subjugated by Profit Worshipers whose (Soul) Agenda was a  `PRIMAL`  'Materialism'  DEVOID of Socio-Religio Paradigms which would OBSTRUCT their Trajectory toward     "I AM THE KING OF ALL I BEHOLD".    

The Great Desolation

         `Authorial Prerogative` will allow me the Latitude necessary to romancify the Great Depression as the Work of Japanese Gods and the Intemperate Ill-Will of Mother Nature and Mother Earth.    Fiction describes `Factuality` in Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath.  Nowhere on Earth is there to be found a more Mutual Interpenetration of Capitalistic Demonology and American Psycho-Spiritual Desolation.   But here is to be Revealed the ULTIMATE FLAWS in Democracy because of its GENETIC Predisposition to DENY Political Compassion and ADVANCE Slavery Capitalism.   The so-called 'Life Blood' of the People was DISMISSED as Life Blood of AMERICA and in its Place  Corporation-Ism was viewed as Life Blood of a GOVERNMENTAL Capitalism which PROMOTED the Evaporation of Democratic Ideals.   

        Worker/Slaves were deemed EXPENDABLE because of the Very Nature of Machinery which was appropriately considered Useless as it either suffered Wear and Tear or became operational obsolete.   Now, not only were workers  relegated to  "Beast of Burden"  Idolatry, they were now EQUATED with MACHINES and therefore  DENIED   THEIR HUMAN STATUS.

Numb and Numb-er

         "Survival of the Fittest" was CLEARLY Supplanted by `Survival of the Numb-est`.   The Industrial Revolution REWARDED  Dumb and Dumber , because THESE worker/slaves would not and COULD not Challenge, with ANY Sort of Voiced REASON,,, the serf/slave Working Conditions excruciated by the so-called "Owners Of The Means of Production".   Here it was that "All Brawn and No Brain" was made PINNACLE of Worker/Slave Optimum.   I have heard Proletariat ROYALTY sigh, "All you need is a strong back and a WEAK Mind".   

        Horror upon Horror      The Tragedy of the American Psyche.

"I owe my Soul to the company gold"

         The Industrial Revolution with its Introduction of Machinery to the Agrarian Psyche was nothing short of an ALIEN INVASION.  Farmer/Citizens who sought Relief from Seasonal Duress abandoned the Life of the Land to become SLAVES TO MACHINES.   Chronic Heart and Soul Trauma HAD-TO be endured if Factory Survival was to be assimilated by Body and MIND in order to maintain Physical and Mental Solvency.  This Solvency DEMANDED the  DE-SENSITIZATION of Body and Mind that the Worker/Slave could occupy positions of labor that ERODED Personal 'Sensibilities'  those of Common Sense and Real-Time Cogency.  Here now can be seen the SACRIFICE needed to withstand MINDLESS Mechanical `activities` which not only Eroded Personal Sensibilities but 'acted' to DESTROY Personal Creativity and Self Expression as well.   

Season of the Switch

        The Government's Failure to Protect 'the People' from all Threats Foreign AND Domestic, from the close of the Korean War On,, produced a Dis-Ease characterized by DE-SENSITIZATION .   Be careful to note that the Protection offered by the Gov was one of PHYSICALITY which did not and could not (by Definition) include ANY Sort of  MENTAL Approbation.  There is no fucking way in HELL that the Founding Drunkards, even `tanked-up` on the highest quality mead, could have been able, with their BEST Self-Righteous Renaissance Purview, to  Foresee  ANY   'consequence'   of  Propaganda Ubiquity.  Shit, how the fuck COULD they ?   It  (Propagandal Ubiquity)  DID NOT EXIST. 

        If Agrarian-Ism is to be defined by an Ideology than It must be characterized as POLITICAL Representation of Natural Forces --->  PERHAPS best Appreciated by "To Everything turn , turn, turn, There is a SEASON, turn, turn, turn".   The so-called ECCLESIA, got this one RIGHT because it suited and suited PERFECTLY, the Religion Oriented Demography of [that] Site and Time.  

        Farmer-Citizens were `Tuned to the COZMIC (Universal) Infinite`.   

         Please sit with that for a few moments.





Saturday, December 18, 2021

Calm Passion

            The REASON myy Ministry uses the Gospel of Stephen is because it has as ITS Foundation, in Harmony with the Spiritual Harmonics of the Mahayana, COMPASSION as the Central Focus of Individual and Govern-Mental  Catholic (Universal) Psychological Dynamics.   Compassion IZ THE Spirit of the Universe because Compassion has as ITS Foundation Universal ONENESS.  

            The VICIOUS Duality described in the "Am I my brother's Keeper ?"  has resulted in nothing less than the Wholesale ABANDONMENT and DEFILEMENT of what was to be Jesus's "Sermon On The Mount".   Here it is where  DUALITY ,  "I am DIFFERENT from my Brother"  was ADVANCED to reside in a Socio-Political Reality that, by its very Nature,  DENIED, "Not only am I my brother's Keeper, I  AM my Brother."  This THIS is the ESSENCE of Buddhism and even more Specifically the Mystical Component of Zen itself.

ONE because of MANY

         Know this :   Democracy once had as Its Foundation ARITHMETICAL Solvency, meaning,  Rule, as in Governmental Authority, was to be Foundation-ed upon the   WILL of the People   expressed by Electoral Dynamics.  Here, Rule was to be projected by the MAJORITY of the existing Populace, further manifested as "1 Citizen EQUALS 1 Vote.   Here,, INTENDED,,, was the PROTECTION of Societal NORMALCY , that's the one where Justice was to be served and administered by TRUSTWORTHY Democracy Devoted whose Democratic Abstract Ideals painstakingly Reflected those of the Population at Large.   Here it is where Governmental ONENESS was heralded in the Words "We the People" which identified the UNIFIED EFFORT of a Nation whose Goals were SUPPOSE to Establish a Trajectory toward Socio-Political Utopia   NOT   a Christian  Heaven.


Ass Piration

         American `Aspiration-al-ism` had, as its Foundation, the so-called "American DREAM", = = 2 kids, 2 cats 2 dogs 2 cars a 2 car garage and 2 homes, one residential and one vacation-al.  Far more Apt would have been some sort of pseudo-Psycho RELIANCE upon the MYTH of the American Dream which then would  have ADDED the Psychological Dynamic of  ACCESSIBILITY.    At this `Here` would have been SELF RESPONSIBILITY for Actualizing one's own Dreams and Visions of a SUCCESSFUL Career, a Career whose GOALS contained within them a Value System that was itself tuned to Universal Ethics, Mores and STANDARDS  of Time PROVEN Reliability and DEPENDABILITY.   



The Grates of Heaven

        Look at Central and South America.  It isn't As If the Holy Roman Empire was SUCCESSFUL at establishing and maintaining groWTH in the Territories Conquered by Spanish and Portuguese JESUITS masquerading as Soldiers of the Kings and Queens of Spain and Portugal.  It is As If Christianity `acted` to actually NEUTRALIZE the Efforts of the Indigenous (ADVANCED) Civilizations that had as THEIR Foundation  a level of Astronomy and Mathematics UNATTAINABLE by the so-called Modernists.   

        We MUST conclude that Christianity acted as an Agent of RETARDATION which PREVENTED ANY sort of Self-Realization due to its very Nature.   The infusion of  Christianity and its Morals into the Government  Psyche was PERVERTED by ANTI-Religionists whose sole (Soul) Agenda was nothing less than CRIMINAL Exploitation of Folks and Peoples THEY deemed as Savage and Barbarian. 



"Barbarians at the Gates"

         I am not in agreement with Toynbee's assertion that `outside blood`, in the form of migrant (alien) `leakage` into an existing Civilization,, is Positive [if not ESSENTIAL if a Civilization is to maintain Viability].    Even a scant and perfunctory peruse of Roman History reveals the ultimate DETRIMENT to Roman Civilization, that was  manifested in Roman Society as Constantine's wholesale Relocation to Byzantium evidenced.  How can this Relocation NOT be recognized for what it was, the REJECTION of  `Alien` `Barbarism` ?     

        ...Nor was Constantine's SURRENDER to Christianity nothing more than an IRRELIGIOUS Socio-Political `Act` required to stem and mitigate a Psycho Religious Revolution.   Christianity did NOT infuse Roman Civilization with the "Creativity" Toynbee proffered as an `Essentiality` to maintain Civilizational Vigor and Growth.   Instead, Govern-Mental Perversion was proliferated as "God's Will". The cold calculation of Roman Empiricsm,, in the form of territorial Expansion,, was supplanted by the almost criminal Hell-SEARING Ferocity of the Holy Roman Empire and ITS `Sanctity of Carnage In The Name of Jesus Christ`.  

     Here is to be Recognized the current Migrant Crisis as "The Barbarians at the Gates" --- not of Heaven and its Promised "Land of Milk and Honey", but the `Paradise` of Hell itself.


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Zombie does what Zombie IS

           I believe it was Marx who was first to attached "Vampirism" to the Capitalist Elite in order to Describe the Systematic Oppression of  the "Proletariat" .   Zombieaticsm  (zom bee at a ciz m) is only myy 'modernization'.   "Brain Death" may be characterized as a WILLFUL stop-age of ALL Intellectual Activity ESPECIALLY with regard to SCIENTIFIC Valuations.  Zombieaticsm, Zombie-Ism for shrt,, is MORE than a mere 'hiatus' of Intellectuality.   Zombies have but ONE Mission, to sustain their existence by eating the brains and flesh of Normal Humans.  This THIS is MAGNIFIED by UNRELENTING SAVAGERY and  near UNSTOPPABLE AGGRESSION.   Here must be Recognized the Intent of not only the 1% , redneck (escaped) asylum-ists, Neo Confederate Ante-Bellum Dogmatists and White Supremacist Psychotics whose WILL for Democracy Annihilation is THE Source of their FORCE.  

        Zombie does what Zombie IS.

Flower Dour

         A Populace Exhausted by Unremitting Suspicion and mind-bending Anxiety sought Relief by electing a Catholic, JFK, whose wartime Bravery registered as Heroic Messiah-ship.   The "Cuban Missile Crisis" `gave` him UNQUESTIONABLE Authority even over the Red-Scared-Shit.  BUT  his Desire to HALT Communism by any means possible, produced a Youth Aggravated Backlash that ONLY Broken Dreams and Broken SOULS can manifest.      "GOOD MORNING VIET NAM".

        His was the last Vestige of Democracy MUSCLE.   By the Time LBJ rode into Office, Fellow Americans AT EVERY STAGE AND LEVEL OF EXISTENCE could NOT Generate a Will that could sustain Lyndon's once Great Society.  Democracy MUSCLE had atrophied, not only because of Vet Nam but also because of Hippie Degeneration and its FAILURE to FULLY Grasp the EXTENT of its own intramural Disillusionment.   

         ... and so it came to pass, "DON'T TRUST ANYONE".  


         Wonder, Contemplation and Mull have led me to a Conviction that the Cold War with its Possibility of Global Life EXTINCTION, `worked` in such a way that DENIED a `Sensibility` that could Register "I am Safe" in the Subliminal, Sub Conscious and UN-Conscious Minds of a Civilian Population  that had  ALREADY  experienced UNRELENTING Anxiety largely due to the Maniacal Anti-Communist Executions of Joe "Blow" McCarthy.  The aptly tagged "Red Scare" pervaded the mainstream, mainRIVER Conscious which begot Monu-MENTAL Societal SUSPICION.  You could NOT "trust" your neighbor if he, she, or they,  were `sympathetic` to democratic liberality.  College Liberals (both Black and Whyte) rendered "In God We Trust" as "DON'T TRUST ANYONE OVER  THIRTY".   You can see it ryte ?   DIS-Trust SUPPLANTED "Trust" in an Ethical and then MORAL Calamity that, over the next few Generations, resulted in the ABJECT REJECTION  of  ALL Truths INCLUDING THOSE OF SCIENCE at the very least in those Areas of Uniformed Media Observance. 



         Contemporary political pundits note the 'continuation' of Racism and Bigotry manifested in Goldwater's psycho-laden pseudo patriotic demagoguery, promulgated by trump and his state propaganda machine Fox Nooz,, as if it and ONLY it, produced the mainstream and mainRIVER ConsciousNess of trumpist extreme-ists, corporate Profit Worshiping elitists,and the once 'just reg'lar' of "Nevah, Nevah Land" Idolatry.   What has generated the Zombie-Fication of HA LF our Nation BESIDES the Toxic Atmosphere of Primal Instinctual Psychopathy ?   

        R.D. Laing's Masterpiece, The Politics of Experience DID Receive the RICH Acclaim of fellow Psychoanalysts and SOME of a collegiate population ALREADY leaning AWAY from WWII Era ABSURDIST Psycho-Dynamics, chiefly described by my Hero, Joseph Heller, in HIS Masterpiece Catch-22.    However, once Marshall McLuhan's The Medium is the Message `hit` the Streets, Laing's ability to "loiter over the target" was diminished, as his Psychological ABSTRACTIONS were somewhat Neutralized by McLuhan's `Technologies`.   Folks did NOT have to think -- they could see .

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

"Keep the Faith".


        Still with me ?  That's too bad (where sometimes "Bad is BAD").

         Listen kidz, DESPITE the punitive claw and raven gouge of Zen Attribution, my Soul and I have had DIRECT Experiential Knowledge of the Divinity of the Continuum.   Earlier I told you of my 'Pledge'---it iz and is NOT anything of the Sort so much az it Iz the  Expression of CONTRACTUAL Assignment.   Earth and its Humanity have proven IMPOSSIBLE Daunt, the Daunt of UN-FORECAST-ABLE Misery amplIFIED by Karmic Suffering.  Yet, I have not lost nor will I  EVER  abandon the Mahayana or the Devotion to Buddha's Teaching.   Within me  is to be found the GREAT FAITH  needed to Exist in a Universe `concrecated` by Dualism   a Dualism that coercive-ly advantages Savage Cruelty AND Compassionate BEAUTY as Forces of both Decay AND Creativity.

        Fuck all that opi-istic optimism of Unicorn Rainbow-Ocity.  HOPE will NEVER EVER be Weaponized in such a way that will ACTUALIZE Transformation nor REVOLUTION.    

       The Dogma of Zen barks  "Great Courage, Great FAITH and Great Courage as Its Pillars of Spiritual Reality.   

        HOWEVER Zen Master Huey Lewis and the News provide IMMEDIATE Relief in the forms of Music OCULAR Harmonics those of Sound AND Sight.   Listen to "Perfect World", "I Know What I Like" and "Trouble In Paradise" whenever stricken by Steve DeSilva Nihilism.   

        Not only will we survive this War, we will Win it.

        As 70's Black Sages admonished,    "Keep the Faith".



Where there's Awake there's a Will

         Recently,,, Putin cocksucker tucker carlson,,, has come under the media microscope of my guy Brian Stelter.   Tucker's propagandal VOMIT has been `slurped up` by trumpian redneck dead-heads as if they been STARVED by democraptic agency.   Carlson's nothing-less-than-ASTONISHING   'SUCK-UP'    has NOT been given NATIONAL Media Attention much to the subversive DELIGHT of conservative Putinists and the unsullied HORROR of DELINQUENT democraptic political opticians i.e., those PAID to Monitor  TREASONOUS Communications and Native Terrorist-Active Extremism. 

        Tucker's Voice MUST  be 'rendered' as Rhetorical Incendiary Device, a Voice that FUELS the Conflagration of Democraptic Norms, Ideals, Values and Mores, burning them to ashes and dust.    Once again the democraps CANNOT "match" this sort of  explosive Vitriol.   What's Worse,,  there is NO Effort to even seek to NEUTRALIZE his incendiary Vomit.   Every broadcast STRENGTHENS conservative, redneck, KKK, Neo Confederate and Neo-Nazi RESOLVE.  

        If only democraps could be Awakened from their lugubrious if not thanatopsic slumber.


HELL Sinky

        Helsinki was NOT recognized by the Right for what it truly was, the [glad]"Handing Over" of a once INDISPUTABLE Self-Sovereignty  to a Dictator LADEN with UNQUESTIONABLE Despotic Demonism.     Democraps were AGHAST at such TREASONOUS  BLATANCY,,, so too 'left-leaning' Media Outlets,,,, but Congressional imbecilic INERTIA Guaranteed repubiKKKan DISMISSAL of any if not ALL Presidential 'Wrong-Doing'.   

        The so-called LAUNCH of AmeriKKKan  Insurrectionism was Initiated by putin himself  IN FULL VIEW AND HORROR of Peace Loving democraps, reduced to ideological SQUALOR by the SUPER-HEAVY handedNess of Despotic Propaganda promulgated by putin and his Cyber-Superior Army.  

        All that could be heard from the Left were the Wails and Shrieks of care-worn Sorrow and rag-tagic Cries of Blasphemy.   EVERYWHERE  violently exposed that MENDACITY was the Trajectory to Victory.   

         "Onward Christo-Trumpist Soldiers".  


Where there's a will there's a wake

              It is exceedingly difficult for me to suppress my 7th Grader from iconing Biden as "Eunuch" J-owe, and to depict Harris as "Ms. Chokesondick" who wears J-owe's Balls in a satin sack around her strained neck as albatross necklace.   Ruthless  AND  Cruel, believe me I KNOW.

              The Less-than-Dynamic Duo appear to be OBLIVIOUS to the "Demands of the Time",,, so too the populace of the democraptic `Leadership` whose inward self-service manifests as outward chicken-sloth Cowardice.    

               Democrap FAILURE to recognize the URGENCY of Post Cataclysm Re-Build  identifies them as purveyors of grotesque ineptitude.    Their CATASTROPHIC Inertia seems to WELCOME the Death of Miss America.   

              One need only view the Tornadic Devastation of Kentucky-as-Democracy to get a Sense of Collapse and Destruction.


"Hope Springs in Urinal"

         When HA LF a NATION is Zombiatically DEVOTED to the `Myth of the BIG Lie` one wonders, one MUST wonder,, if  Miss Democracy is even CAPABLE of birthing her own Messiah.   Her last attempt, the birth of JFK was out-of-womb ABORTED by The Almighty and All Powerful who fully understood that JFK was-gonna Futurize the Status Quo and in so doing,       V--A--S--T--L--Y    Diminish the Conservative Socio-Political Influence that sought NOT the Compassion-Laden Politics of Evolutionary Inevitability but instead the garish and garrulous INSANITY of Ante-Bellum Slavery Capitalism.  

          Recall LBJ who, rather than Confront The Almighty and All Powerful,, simply RESIGNED.  

                              "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" ---  "Bye-bye Miss American Pie".  

          Remember Jimmie Carter's Efforts ?                         No one does.


         "It's all over -----   for the Unknown Soldier" so laments Jim Morrison and The Doors.   When I was witnessing  the "Stars and Bars" being victoriously paraded through the once Sacred Halls of the Capital Building, my entire Being felt the abject demise of American Christo-Democracy.  The Confederate South, had, after years and Generations, GUARANTEED their Place in American History as The Almighty and All Powerful.   The South had FULLY Conquered the North, there could be no other View.

        Even though (despite) the Congress's completion of that day's Agenda, that 'It' was `hollowed out` by that day's SUCCESSFUL Insurrection and subsequent OVERTHROW of Christo-American Government, a Coup d'etat SURPASSING Any and ALL Others EVER attempted by rabidly psychotic  Masses filled with HATE-LADEN if not   SAVAGE   BLOOD-LUST.  

       Not only was the V.P.  hanged in Effigy, the Pres was castrated by a dull butter knife reducing him to  nothing more than Titular Headship.  




        I sat in Chairy-Chair freeing my mind to wander in the Future.  From There, I heard myself reciting the Mantras and Dharani that have sustained Ego-Satisfaction and Eternal Spiritual Devotion.  Always, while wandering in the Future's Ink Black Darkness, the Dread of confrontation with Truth, the Truth of Impending Horror.   Lifetimes spent on other Planets has `Steeled` my Soul, providing it with Armor that can withstand Human Atrocity.   However, I have pledged my Allegiance to the Universal 'Continuum' as ALL Bodhisattva Swords'Men MUST and this 'Must" demands I  keep my Vow of  "Truth Telling".

        I have yet to describe, at any length, what, exactly, the Continuum is, but know this, my Tengu Masters HAVE "Written at Length" of the True Nature of the Continuum that `Foundations` the Experiential Reality of Bodhisattva Swords'Men.   

       What follows is shit I have held in drafts, since 1---6.   

Monday, December 13, 2021

"The Eve of Destruction"

         The 2nd Great Flood carried away, "Truth, Justice and the American Way".   Whatever Democracy Institutions that weren't  SWALLOWED,,,  were Bent and Twisted by the Inescapable Forces of COZMIC KARMA ,  rendering then not only hideously UGLY but EGREGIOUSLY Useless.  

        Consider that this 'Great Flood' actually RETURNED the American ConsciousNess to a `Post-Bite` Eden.   American Adam was now subject to Knowledge as Political Predation.  America's First Original Sin, AMERICAN SLAVERY that had been Civilizationally ACCEPTED-AS-NATURAL,,  was ONCE AGAIN Committed and Committed as VIOLENTLY as a Volcanic Eruption AND Tectonic Plates Shift in simultaneous Earth Shattering unison,,, a Cataclysm of UNHERALDED Catastrophe, this Time providing the God of "In God We Trust" with a   NEW    Identity .   

        One of the [10,000] "Masks of God" was now the FACE of Donald "the Hitman" Trump, who had by this time,,  ALREADY remade the Face of American Political Humanity into HIS Image.  

I must leave this here.

Rock Steady........Steady as She Goes....

Donald the "Hit [ler] Man" Trump

         I MAY become Famous for, "In America each and every citizen has the Constitutional RIGHT to be the BIGGEST Asshole he or she can be".   Here, additional Conditional Celebrity was achieved by the Mil's GLAMORIAZTION  of  "Be All You Can Be" ---- intended to promote the rigors of Military Life as SPIRITUAL/PHYSICAL `VEHICLE` for ANY Individual who wanted a SOLID Foundation for Career Management and who was willing to Sacrifice his or her Life, in the Name, once again, of American Democracy.   

        And so it was that the BIIIIGGEST ASSHOLE ON THE PLANET was elected and Elected RIGHTEOUSLY by a now `AmeriKKKan`  Diabolically RACIST Electorate DRIVEN by the Elevation of THEIR Darkest Primal Instincts which did not nor COULD not be subject to CONSCIOUS Self Regulation by  ANY  'Sort'  of   Socio-Religio- Forbearance.  

      "Hail   to the Chief'  became    'HIEL'  to the Chief.  


"Here come the Judge"

      Societal Defiance of Personal Responsibility became almost CELEBRATED as a CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE  perverted-ly fallacious tho' it was.  Here it is where "All's Fair In Love and War" became the Street and Gutter PARALLEL of what was ACTUALLY Written in the Constitution = the 5th Amendment.   The Legal STIGMA of Self  NON-Incrimination  was granted MORAL Status and even somewhat GLORIFIED by the colloquial supplementation of 

                                                     "ANYTHING GOES".

        "Anything Goes" 'took along' with it   Truth .  See it, "Truth Goes".  

        "Anything Goes" became a Global Tsunami that virtually Slaughtered-by-Drowning the very Virtues and Ideals that had FOR CENTURIES supported HumanKind's Advance toward GLOBAL Peace and Prosperity.  Clearly IF "Anything Goes" THEN Nothing can be held as Sacred.  Here, once again American Christianity actually PROMOTED Ideological Debauchery as "Anything Goes", All's Fair in Love and War" was Spiritually JUSTIFIED with  

                                               "Judge not that ye be not Judged".

Slang Bang

         You can see it rite ?   The Romanticization of War, manifested in every-day jargons, dialects, and vernaculars, that of,  "All's Fair In Love and War",, became an  OFFENSIVE  Battle Proclamation of  

                                                   "ONLY ---> I <--- MATTER" . 

         Here it is where Machiavelli's "The Ends JUSTIFY the Means" was deployed with VICIOUS CRUELTY.   This most HEINOUS Cruelty permeated ALL Aspects of Societal Grievance as Defense OF THE UN-DEFENSE-ABLE  actually PROMOTED  the base and Spiritually callus REJECTION OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.   

        Are we not living that Civilizational Abomination  presently ?

         This THIS must NOT be denied.



The Little Bummer Boy

         Elsewhere I have laid claim to a Wasteland Territory that is characterized by the Apocalyptic Demise of Democracy.  The use of GUARANTEED Human Atrocity, the Detonation of the Atomic Bomb in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, TRANSCENDED Cozmic Cataclysm and FOREVER `turned` America into a Steady State of Radioactive Decline.    In the Same Way that no HUMAN would sanction the Genocide of Millions of Fellow Humans, how is it that One Human could and Would sanction the Horrific Deaths of HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS INNOCENT CIVILIANS  in the Name of Democracy  ????  

        It can be argued, check that, I will argue that one of  Democracy's CHRISTIAN Values, the so-called "Golden Rule", was CRIMINALLY Abandoned in order to facilitate the End of the 2nd World War.  "Do onto Others" became mere Gospel Contrivance that OBSTRUCTED  (a) population Obliteration.   Hitler's Obsession to Destroy Millions, I say, was EQUALED by America's Devotion to save Itself from a TRADITIONAL War that DID have a relative Foundation of Combat Philosophy that still included SOME Virtue, scant that it was.  The Sanctity of Human Life was savagely excised by  Hitlerism AND Democracy the result of which was the LOSS of both Heart and SOUL on NATIONAL Levels.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Minute-Tor

         Steve "The Cannon" Bannon bombarded Democracy STRUCTURES  as Steve "The Nazi" Miller ground political Moral Civility into nothing more than toxic dust.  At NO Time did democrats object.  Whines and Cries of "Racial Injustice" were heard as only sheep bleats,  The Liberal Left and Progressive Activists were AWOL during the Initial Stages of Trumpist Fascism.   They cocooned themselves in a "3 Little Pigs"  "Straw House"  from which could be heard the pleading wail of only "This CAN'T be happening".   

        In something of an Opiatic Catatonia, democrats waited for the RepubliKKKan$ to "Come Around" i.e, to awaken from a Purgatorial Slumber characterized by Zombie-atic Somambulism .   Warning Signs that had become FOGHORN BLARES went UNHEEDED due to the Opiatic Catatonia the rats had inflicted upon themselves.   

        To this minute, nothing has Changed.

"The harder they come, the harder" [we] "fall..."

         A War-Ravaged Nation DESPERATE to end ONGOING Wars, Wars that DEFINED the AmeriKKKan Civilization, elected a "Great White Hope" whose platform moniker was, soon to be sardonically,  "Hope".   I, among Others, did NOT Rejoice DESPITE the HISTORIC Monumentalism of a Black Man's Ascendancy to Presidential Authority.  I had suspected that AmeriKKKa was NOT "Ready" for a Black-White Man to BE the Face and MIND of a Neo Civil War Society.  Sure enough, Obama PROVED to be the socio-political Catalyst that acted as a 'Blasting Cap' for `White-Lash` `Explosivity`.  No way, as in "NO FUCKING WAY",, was a liberal "NIGGER" gonna run what once was a "WHITES ONLY" political Conglomerate, a Conglomerate INFECTED and INFESTED with White Supremacists, Neo Nazis and reborn Civil War-Ists who knew only BLOODTHIRSTY and INHUMAN Cruelty as THE MEANS to govern whom they considered remarkably degenerate and easily manipulated imbeciles.  



Con Federalism

         Conservatives abandoned the Relative Ideals of Democracy in favor of an IRREVERENTLY  modernized Old Testament Demagoguery which, because of its Psychological Primality (Instinctual Reactionism) GUARANTEED immediate and PROFOUND Recognition that Biblical FUNDAMENTALISM could be Harnessed by already compromised politicians to AWAKEN Fear and subsequently HATRED in the Hearts and Bodies of reborn Civil War-ists who had ALREADY been exhausted by a Modernism, they felt, to use a 70's gnash, had "Fucked them Over".   The advent of Propagandal BOMBARDMENT by conservative `news` Outlets REINFORCED the Mental ANGUISH of redneck degenerates and conservative Slavery Capitalists AND an EDUCATED Professional Bourqeoisie (Doctors and Dentists e.g.) whose SOLE Interest was EASE of what they considered to be a Taxation BURDEN.    SelfishNess was somehow elevated to what I will tag, "Self-ISM" --- an "Everybody for themselves" and "Dog eat Dog" political Scion that grew to DEVASTATION-AL ENORMITY due to democrat (now pernicious) "Laissez faire" .  


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Sitting Bull Running Scared and Qrazee Cloud

         What MUST be Avoided is the Projection of MYTHICAL Condition onto DayDream Reverie.   When this `Instance` is ACTUALIZED, more often then Not unbeknownst to the Dreamer, there is a Sacrifice of PERSONAL SINGULARITY meaning One Dreams SOMEONE ELSE'S DREAM.   This THIS begets a DIS-Illusion-Meant that manifests as CHRONIC Disappointment which itself is then ampLIFIED by an Emotional Self-Scrutiny that generates nothing short of Suicidal Rage at worst, at BEST,, Feelings of Degenerative Self-Worth in a morbidly REGENERATIVE Cycle.  


        I gotta leave this here.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....


Miss Const-rude

        My Devotions to the Ancient AND Imagination must NOT be misconstrued.   The Ancient is PROVEN Foundation of MODERN ConsciousNess, it can be no Other.   I extend a Dual Complexity of Sensation-ridden SUB-Conscious that can find no NATURAL Order that the Socio-Political Reality SHOULD manifest and instead only the CHAOS and TUMULT of a Reality DEVOID of Common Sense.  

        'NewNess` in the guise of Change and Modification, is based upon the Status Quo of FUNDAMENTAL Organization.  'Advances' `scribed` by Technological Innovations should NOT be identified as "Positive" UNTIL they have  SUCCESSFULLY   Survived PAST  --->  Durational Experimentation ---< .  "The Proof is in the Pudding" REMAINS as Street and Gutter Science TRUTH.  Here, Societal IMPATIENCE has altered the Orientation of Governmental Trajectory.  Here, "I want it and I want it NOW" has resulted in nothing less that the REPREHENSIBLE Psychological Deformity of RABID SelfishNess and with it the Ascendancy of garrulous, Anti-Democracy Vitriol.



You scratch my Soul -- I'll scratch yours

         A Pattern of Obsequious Dereliction can be Identified and tagged as `Socio-Political Benchmark`, that of the Introduction of the so-called "New Math" by Educators that had WANTONLY VIOLATED the "Golden Rule" of Street and Gutter `Simplicizm`  (sim plih siz m ) ---- "If it aint Broke, DON'T FIX IT".  

        Traditional, if not ANCIENTLY CLASSICAL,,   "Tried and True"   was savagely DE-VALUED  thereby DESTROYING the Past-but-Living Generations' Mind Set who had fervently Revered the Redneck "3 R's"   = = =   "Readin'   Rit'n  and   Rithmetic".    Within the space and time of perhaps ONE "Homework assignment", the very NATURE of Society was IR-Reverentially Injected with a Viral Plague of Transformation-al (fucking)  MYSTERY.   "OBVIOUS" was OBSCURED by Arithmatical PSEUDO Intellection and because of THAT  "COMMON Sense" itself began to Evaporate into a Mind Atmosphere already fucking POLLUTED by Television and ITS `Propagandal` Acidity.

        "Old Timers", our Parents,, did NOT decry the un-asked-for ASSAULT ON REALITY, but instead, vented the Frustration of HelplessNess with,  "Times Change".  


The Great What's-his-name

         Understand that    'Imagination'   MUST be considered  ---> a <---  Source of Originality.  "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" must NOT Dominate The Sphere of Intellectual `Abstractive` Originality  DESPITE its SUPERIOR Application of   'OBVIOUS'    and     'Self-Evident'.   So too Imagination MUST be considered ESSENTIAL to Ingenuity and Inventive-Ness Overall........... .

        You can appreciate 'Imagination' because it was the Founding Drunks' IMAGINATION that generated a Vision for a CONSTANTLY EVOLVING Democracy ---where `Constantly Evolving`  is Code for 

                      --->  The CONSCIOUS `Receptivity` to and for POSITIVE CHANGE  <--- :  

         The Change that would  ADVANCE,  in a Primarily EVOLUTIONARY Manner,, the Everyday Activities of the American Public imbuing upon them the Virtues of  TRADITIONAL, Time PROVEN Warranty, what can and should be considered the AMERICAN ESSENCE OF A FREE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

        The Great What's-his-name quoted himself, "There should be a Revolution EVERY TWENTY YEARS".

        Sage then, Visionary now.





"Ya like apples ?"

         There's that `Bar Scene` in the to-be-Classic Masterpiece, "Good Will Hunting".  I will tag that Scene ---> the "How do ya like THEM apples ?" ---< Scene.  Courageous if not VALIANTLY Dim-Witted, "I got nothin' to lose" Ben Affleck tries to 'blend into' a violently Academic Sub-Culture to which  he has NEVER had ANY access WHATSOEVER.      He finds himself UNDERWATER because an Academic Elitist has sought to Prove Affleck nothing more than a Northern Redneck INCAPABLE of even treading water in the Ocean of Knowledge.  

        Matt Damon rescues Ben and once on solid Land, turns to confront the Book-Reading-BULLY.  With a God-Like "I am and you're NOT" Authority, Matt plunges the brain of the Bully into the Same Knowledge Fluid with which The Bully subjected Ben.  At the close of the Combat the Bully uses Material Flaunt to deride and diminish Matt.  Matt's Response is a clean,, one-stroke decapitation.  He sez,  "I would rather flip burgers than to go through Life without one Original Thought .

        Minnie Driver prowls over to Damon.  " I waited for you to come over, but now I'm tired and I must go home".  She hands him her phone number.  The Scene closes with Matt snide-ing over to the Bully to administer "Through the Glass" [pain].  "Ya like apples ?   I got her number "HOW DO YOU  LIKE THEM APPLES ?" .

`No new is good new`

         As recently as 'Some time ago' ,  a 'noted'  Film Critic bemoaned the lack of "Originality" in modern Film Making.  He presented a case that identified MONEY & PROFIT as the Cause(s) of Film-Makers' UNWILLINGNESS to Advance NU (NOO) Concepts, Themes and Psychological Scrutiny(s) that would ELEVATE and E-X--P---A----N-----D  the Consciousness of the American Film Viewer, and in so doing, the General Pop Culture Society as a Whole.    As a result, ONLY "Tried and True" Money Making enterprises have reached a brain-washed (my word for Retarded) Viewing Public, themselves made OBLIVIOUS by  the INCESSANT  DIS-Originality of low-quality Thematic Structures.  

 `No new is good new` .

A Legacy of Lethargy

         Recently, a noted political pundit, in an Effort to understand Democrat Party Complacency with regard to the EXISTENTIAL CRISIS currently being Experienced by the American Civilization,, suggested that it was the Democrats'  "LACK of IMAGINATION" that accounted for the soon-to-be CATASTROPHIC Nature of Democrats' "Live and let live" New Testament `Commandment`.  He `sed` that this 'lack of imagination' RETARDED (my word not his) the Mental Vision NEEDED to SEE the CONSEQUENCES of the ONGOING OVERTHROW OF DEMOCRACY by republiKKKan Slavery Capitalists INTENT upon REMOVING `Civilization` from the American Socio-Political Mind-Scape and the EXPRESSED Intent to RETURN  Americans to the Stone Age SLAVERY  that defined the Ante-Bellum South.  

        The pundit complained that the democrats' REFUSAL to engage Optimal Foresight, a Foresight foundation-ed upon Imagination-as-LOGIC,, would and HAS produced a brutally sardonic Lethargy.  We are looking at a Legacy of Lethargy.


         We are left to wonder, with the greatest Concern, what our Plight will be, given the Inevitability of American Empiric Demise.  Within the `Last` 'Dark Ages' the retain-ment of Scholastic and Academic Values by the Clergy and Clerics of various Religious Orders, both in Europe and Africa, were pivotal when the "Light" of  "Day" finally `dawned` in Italy, and later, in France.  Sadly, It was only Religious Sanctimony that maintained the Street and Gutter Obeisance of starving peasants whose rabid Devotion to the Church resulted in a Collective Conscious Retardation.  Remember, Church HYPOCRISY, was the ACCEPTED 'Norm', as once Celebrated and CHERISHED Virtues were DEFILED by priests, Bishops and Cardinals, whose only `Spiritual` Agenda, was the plunder of the Poor and Indigent, all in "God's Name".  

        I have argued elsewhere that the American Economic Politics had been transmogrified to become a RELIGION.  The perverted Worship of the Almighty DOLLAR Supplanted ALL Other Religions as Profit was CHERISHED by indolent Idolaters hellbent to maximize THEIR Material Existence at the Expense of Common Joe and Common Jane.  Here again, as I have mentioned elsewhere, Hypocrisy was the LIFEBLOOD of  Political Religion----Corruption was ACCEPTED as the 'Norm', Virtue Defilement its Manifestation.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Myth Take

         Know this :  The Truth of Myth TRANSCENDS the Truth of Science.   The Myth of Christ-as- Savior has withstood more than 2 THOUSAND Years of aggravated Scrutiny.   Make no Mistake here.  History has recorded, with ABSOLUTE TRUTH,  the Existence of Christ -------- how long has The Myth of Einsteinian Relativity existed ?  So too with the Myth of Mohammed.  Simply stated, the Myth has more 'staying' Power than the Truth of Science and the Truth of Truth because the Myth origins in `BEING`, what I consider to TRANSCEND both Ego AND Self.   `Being` encompasses both Mind Wisdom and Body Wisdom AND the COZMIC Wisdom of Universal ONE-NESS.  The BEING is UNIVERSAL INDIVIDUATION --- Nothing Less.   

        This THIS is WHY Conservatives can DENY the Actuality of Factual Truth as Evidence of Logical Rationality.  They know 'what is' because they FEEL it in their BEING.   Here it is where Science CANNOT 'overcome' nor surmount the Objectification and Manifestation of a pathological Fantasia --- a Fantasia whose Origin lies within the very Fabric of Universal Reality.

Demon Ocracy

          So it was that "My Country 'tis  OF  Thee" had been transmogrified to "My Country 'tis  FOR ME ".  Kennedy's Platonic Romanicification of Idealized Paradise and Johnson's FAILURE to MAINTAIN the Vision of `Socio-Political Beautification` actually CAUSED a "White-Lash" of EGO-Driven MANIA to establish ITS-Self as National Identity.  America had turned into AmeriKKKa.  Conservatives had successfully entrenched themselves in the Ground of State to State Legislatures and from this Entrenchment were then able to REINFORCE existing Social and Political Structures to bulwark themselves and their beloved Status Quo from any and all Possible Assaults by weakened and hapless Liberals now destitute of Bravery and Courage due to the Fantastic SAVAGERY of Conservative Ferocity.   Destitution then became Dereliction as "Live and Let Live" actually PROMOTED continued Conservative Defilement of what heretofore had been CONSTITUTIONAL Guarantees.   The Values that had characterized Democracy were shredded and pulverized by Conservative "Hammer and Sickle", the Very Same Tools-as-Weapons that had once been brandished by the Proud Proletariat now the Symbols of Stalinist/Trumpist Fascism.  

"Crumbs off the Fat Cats' tables"

         The Willful (and Egregious) Abandonment of Corporate Fiduciary Obligations, which I have just now tagged `Corporate Altruism` approached LETHAL Intensity when good, honest and decent Folk abandoned THEIR `Proletariat Altruism` as well.  Here now the EFFECTS of a, by now, RABID Materialism was Expressed, as Folks, desperate to "Keep up", figured to "Take Home" what compensation they had previously allotted for "Union Dues"  Union Dues became Union DON'TS.  Folks NEEDED that Extra Cash in order to "Make 'ends' 'meet' ".   Corporate Greed, manifested as Shareholder Avarice, REFUSED to properly align Profit with Worker Pay which caused Malcontent to reach Societal Misery.  The "Minimum Rage" was never raised GUARANTEEING the onset of SLAVERY Conditions.  Nor did the Federal Government, now riddled with Conservative Contrivance, even OFFER to Challenge Corporations to Respond ---> APPROPRIATELY ---<   to Worker Income Grievance.  "Crumbs off the Fat Cats tables" were scarce and noxious.  

"Let the peasants eat Fake"

         There appeared to be a Materialism Pinnacle when vast numbers of Americans agreed with,  "The guy who dies with the most toys Wins" ; which was ANATHEMA to those of Modest Means.  "Keeping up with the Joneses" which was duly Recognized as SOMETHING FUCKED UP, was no longer, OBVIOUSLY, regarded for what it truly was, a WARNING, that Individual Fulfillment SHOULDN'T depend upon an ostentatious display of "Conspicuous Consumption", and the FLAUNT of Wealth even if that Wealth was Credit Card manufactured.  Discontent began to register as MAL-Content as `Those With` sought Materialist Celebrity OVER `Those Without`.   The Ancients of the "Great Society" no longer had Control over Industry Altruism, the One whereby the Owners of the Corporations were Willing to SHARE the Profits made from the hands, backs and shoulders of the Commoner Proletariat.  A Neo-GREED and callus DISREGARD for even APPROPRIATE Worker Compensation  characterized a Generation who knew only that APPEARANCE was DEMANDED for Ego Gratification.  

Status Woe

         As Hippies and their offspring drugged themselves into an `Opium` Derived  Belief of Neo-Eden, Drug Free but Alcohol laden Conservatives began carrying out Policies of Status Quo `Resiliency`.  While Hippies and their Offspring sought what they considered Infinite Beauty, Conservatives sought a Political / Mechanical Agency that would not only Promote their Agenda, but would disqualify ANY and ALL Attempts by Liberals to modify and Re-Code the Socio-Political Trajectory of the, at that time, BARELY, United States.   "Just say NO" intended for school-age Curiosity, was nothing less than "Just say NO" to ANY Efforts to broaden and expand the Anti-War ConsciousNess to (now) include the Civil Rights even of all those Black Soldiers that had Shouldered the Combat Exigency of Viet Nam.  

        Whatever modest Spiritualism that Hippies tried to attach to Everyday Activity, in the form of Anti-Materialism was openly mocked by jewel-bedecked Reaganists DESPERATE to RE-Establish Capitalism as THE Highest Order Efficacy of the Post Viet Nam (Jimmie Carter) Civilization.  What's-her-name Somebody expressed it Perfectly, "I'm a Material Girl".

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 Democrats have allied themselves to a New Testament Christianity whose Foundation appears to be 
              "And the meek shall inherit the Earth".  So often have they "Turned the other cheek" republicans have tattooed  them ---> "the punching bags of the Universe".   The democ-rats have scurried away from even the THREAT of personal contact both physical AND Mental, such is the Nature of their Desperation to AVOID any and ALL Confrontation.   How is this to be characterized ?   "Despicable " comes to mind.

My Love for the Risen Christ is based upon Him as SUBVERSIVE REVOLUTIONARY.  He is the ONE Who, upon entering the Temple of Monetary Fornication, overturned the tables of capitalist money lenders with such Rage and Fury, the Universe itself SHOOK.  He is the One Whose Divine Ministry emblazoned "I did not come to bring Peace ---I have come to bring SWORD".  THIS should be the New Paradigm for the War Against All Evil.   Meekness does NOT feed a Family nor can it Protect oneself and one's Family from Calamitous Destruction---- How can it ?  Meekness CANNOT be "Weaponized", yet Humility in Power actualizes FORCE.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

"Tune it, Turn on,, Drop Out"

 The American (MILITANT) "Left" = the Liberals and Progressives who decry the Democratic Party for its Utter and Complete 'disassociation' from the Prevailing Political Reality has been almost VIOLENTLY Vociferous,, indeed,,,  rightly so.   Even Street and Gutter Evangelists, of whom I name myself as one, have tried to fathom the Depth of republican Political Atrocity, SONAR-ed as Neo-American Fascism.  The Righteous    "CLARION CALL TO ARMS"    has been MONU-MENTAL-LY IGNORED by flaccid quasi-politicals, seeming oblivious to "Emergency" and "URGENCY".  These X-`Hippiefied` Folks MUST be perceived as Off-Spring(s) of a Generation, who, after Woodstock, resigned themselves to 6 Words  = = = = = =  "Tune in, Turn On,, Drop Out".

The Might of Plight

 Incipient recidivism was recognized, confronted,, and thwarted during the 50's as Neo-Nazism and Communism tried to 'foothold' the American ConsciousNess.  John Birch and Mc Carthy were excoriated and vilified in Public Pillory in such manners as to assuage Ideological and POLITICAL Fear.   The Nation DEMANDED a Return to a "Pax Romana" experienced at the end of the Korean War--- short lived as it truly was.  The American Civilization was Recognized for Abject Superiority due to its Resources both Industrial and HUMAN.  The so-called "Greatest Generation" was Enshrined much to the HORROR of its own Off-Spring, who rallied AGAINST the War Foundation that had engineered the said `Pax Americana`.   Horror begot Horror as Viet Nam was experienced as VIOLATION of American YOUTHFUL Will.  Here it was that the MIGHT of RIGHT sanctioned the OPEN-FIRE by the Mil upon America's OWN.  "Four Dead in Ohio" almost EQUALED the Horror of Nagasaki and Hiroshima ---- the Plight of Democracy sealed for ALL Eternity.

The Uni-Fried Nation

 The American President, Joe Biden, is from an Era of Citizenry that VALUED the so-called Qualities of Democracy, and were,, as a UNIFIED NATION,,, willing to ADVANCE and DEFEND those Specifics AND DID SO in the First and Second World Wars.  Those Patriots are DEAD.  The Era of American Citizen Soldiery IS ALSO DEAD.  The UNIFIED WILL to Advance and Defend the "Cause" of Democracy no longer exists having succumbed to a `supplant-ation` by Primal Instincts cloaked as Nativism and `BLATANT-IZED`  as Neo-American Fascism.  "Globalization" has begotten a PANIC that has influenced MILLIONS to abandon what I will call the Collective Welfare, in an Effort to MAINTAIN what remains of a bygone Status Quo which was built upon ANCIENT Political Dynamics, the Dynamics of the Ante-Bellum South, those Very Same of America's so-called "Founding Fathers", the Fathers of Slavery Capitalism.  

Once upon a Crime

 The global degradation of Human Altruism, manifested as Socio-Political ANTI-Democracy, MUST be correctly perceived as a NATURAL OCCURRENCE in the EXACT same way as the current Plague/Pandemic is registered, also,, as a NATURAL OCCURRENCE.  Simply because TIME interferes with Evolution DOESN'T mean that NATURE should be disregarded as Primary Origin.  Even a MODEST review of Plagues and Plague Pandemics situates what can be perceived as a global `CLEANSING` --   hideous as it surely is.  Democracy is NOT Resistant to Evolutionary `Plagues`.  Remember what transpired in Athens during the Life of its Great Historian, Thucycides, AS he recounted the Peloponnesian War.  So too was Rome stricken, and who will fail to recall the ghastly Bubonic Plague ?  

Elsewhere I have `tagged` the recent Demise of Democracy as a POLITICAL Pandemic EQUAL to that of Covid 19 .   What MUST BE 'registered' is that the World, as noted above, has succumbed to The INEVITABLE Three times Before.  Each time, the World has ENDED, in VAST, ALL ENCOMPASSING Dissolution --- leaving behind Monumental Structures of "What once was".  The Empire of America will fare no better.  It cannot.  Such is the Nature of Universal Law.