Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Code = See Ode

           Dr. Ken Ring told wrote me [that] the Role of the Contemporary Writer iz to RE-Tell the Ancient Myths and Stories in order to Modernize them, thereby Reinforcing their Actuality of Meanings, [and, in the case of Cherished Wisdoms, Re-Supplying them with Universal Energy, the One of Stability, Levelity and Plumb].  I didn't know WTF he wuz 'talkin' about until Yesterday, when, az already noted, I Broke the Code.

          There's This,    Hamlet's Mill   An Essay Investigating the Origins of  Human  Knowledge 

                                                    and Its Transmission Through Myth.       

           In shrt Myth iz CODED.  Now that's my term not theirs but they DO Utilize 'Code' through their MASSIVE `Essay`.  WITHIN the Myths, Stories, and Folk-{Laws} is a sub-textual 'Language' that MAY be mis-construed as  >>>> "...if you read between the Lines..." <<<< .   The 'It' of Code is that It has a PSYCHOLOGICAL [Mind Bending] Attribute that keeps it Invisible TO A POINT.  This Invisibility is far MORE than Merely Adequate since {Universal} Common-Ality is SUPPOSE to be a 'Force' that binds us to a Cognitive and 'Kitchen-Table' Reality and the Code in no way obstructs Pavlovian Superficiality, the so-called "Everyday "Bah and Humbug" of "Face to Face" Social Intercourse.  But..........

           Ah Yes  the   BUT ............. .

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