Thursday, December 23, 2021

Glass Ass

         The hierocratic ecclesia of ALL so-called Religions did little to promote Recognition of the (at first) Erosion of `ETHICAL Morality`, focusing instead on the suspension of the POLITICAL Will of the American Populace at large, i.e., Rowe versus Wade.   Great Others DID Recognize 'Material Spiritualism' for what it was, a debasement of Highest Order Virtue and its subsequent supplant-ation by POLITICAL Corruption.   Here the Church, as in All Churches, are MIRRORS of Government in that where the Gov mandates Taxation, the Church mandates Benefaction in the form of weekly Donations and such.  The analogy cannot be ignored and MUST not be Ignored because the 'Church' is certainly nothing Less than a `Foundational`  Aspect of the Status Quo, here it is where the Gravity of the Status Quo PREVENTS True Virtue from entering the Psycho-Religio Sphere of Public Consciousness.  

        On the Street that 'It' looks like this =  

                                  "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." 


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