Friday, December 24, 2021


         I'm NOT Anti-Einstein but he IRRITATES the fuck outta me.  WE DON'T THINK IN NUMBERS We think using WORDS.  The elevation of Arithmetic to Mathematics does NOTHING to Advance the Comprehension of Physical OR Spiritual REALITY to those of us afflicted by the GENETIC Frailties of Finite Human Irrevocacy .   Give me just ONE Equation that Identifies What it is to LOVE.  No one iz-gonna find it BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST.   Poets NOT Mathematicians present MANIFOLD Aspects of the Divine Beauty and do so with IRREFUTABLE Magnificence.   Shit    where was I ?

        No one can Imagine the Declaration of Independence NOR the Constitution using Numbers or Equations.  Are you fucking kidding me WHO COULD ???   Words concretize (to make concrete) Imagination and in so doing RELEASE the Spirits that lie Dormant within the Human Psyche.   The Volitional Application of Imagination 'opens the door' to Divinity which can then Imbue Words with MEANING.   We are presently residing in a Realm where both Spirit and Meaning have been BRUTALIZED by Resent-laden Negation .   Status Quo 'Stereo-Type-ery' has acted like a "Black Hole" whose Gravity prevents any and ALL Escape of even the Concepts of Virtue and worse COURAGE.  

        There is no GREATER Time than JUST NOW to Enter INTROSPECTION in order to gain Access to The Upper Realms of Highest Order Conditionality.  THAT is where We SHOULD-BE Headed.

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