Thursday, December 9, 2021

"Crumbs off the Fat Cats' tables"

         The Willful (and Egregious) Abandonment of Corporate Fiduciary Obligations, which I have just now tagged `Corporate Altruism` approached LETHAL Intensity when good, honest and decent Folk abandoned THEIR `Proletariat Altruism` as well.  Here now the EFFECTS of a, by now, RABID Materialism was Expressed, as Folks, desperate to "Keep up", figured to "Take Home" what compensation they had previously allotted for "Union Dues"  Union Dues became Union DON'TS.  Folks NEEDED that Extra Cash in order to "Make 'ends' 'meet' ".   Corporate Greed, manifested as Shareholder Avarice, REFUSED to properly align Profit with Worker Pay which caused Malcontent to reach Societal Misery.  The "Minimum Rage" was never raised GUARANTEEING the onset of SLAVERY Conditions.  Nor did the Federal Government, now riddled with Conservative Contrivance, even OFFER to Challenge Corporations to Respond ---> APPROPRIATELY ---<   to Worker Income Grievance.  "Crumbs off the Fat Cats tables" were scarce and noxious.  

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