Thursday, December 9, 2021

Status Woe

         As Hippies and their offspring drugged themselves into an `Opium` Derived  Belief of Neo-Eden, Drug Free but Alcohol laden Conservatives began carrying out Policies of Status Quo `Resiliency`.  While Hippies and their Offspring sought what they considered Infinite Beauty, Conservatives sought a Political / Mechanical Agency that would not only Promote their Agenda, but would disqualify ANY and ALL Attempts by Liberals to modify and Re-Code the Socio-Political Trajectory of the, at that time, BARELY, United States.   "Just say NO" intended for school-age Curiosity, was nothing less than "Just say NO" to ANY Efforts to broaden and expand the Anti-War ConsciousNess to (now) include the Civil Rights even of all those Black Soldiers that had Shouldered the Combat Exigency of Viet Nam.  

        Whatever modest Spiritualism that Hippies tried to attach to Everyday Activity, in the form of Anti-Materialism was openly mocked by jewel-bedecked Reaganists DESPERATE to RE-Establish Capitalism as THE Highest Order Efficacy of the Post Viet Nam (Jimmie Carter) Civilization.  What's-her-name Somebody expressed it Perfectly, "I'm a Material Girl".

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