Saturday, December 18, 2021

"Barbarians at the Gates"

         I am not in agreement with Toynbee's assertion that `outside blood`, in the form of migrant (alien) `leakage` into an existing Civilization,, is Positive [if not ESSENTIAL if a Civilization is to maintain Viability].    Even a scant and perfunctory peruse of Roman History reveals the ultimate DETRIMENT to Roman Civilization, that was  manifested in Roman Society as Constantine's wholesale Relocation to Byzantium evidenced.  How can this Relocation NOT be recognized for what it was, the REJECTION of  `Alien` `Barbarism` ?     

        ...Nor was Constantine's SURRENDER to Christianity nothing more than an IRRELIGIOUS Socio-Political `Act` required to stem and mitigate a Psycho Religious Revolution.   Christianity did NOT infuse Roman Civilization with the "Creativity" Toynbee proffered as an `Essentiality` to maintain Civilizational Vigor and Growth.   Instead, Govern-Mental Perversion was proliferated as "God's Will". The cold calculation of Roman Empiricsm,, in the form of territorial Expansion,, was supplanted by the almost criminal Hell-SEARING Ferocity of the Holy Roman Empire and ITS `Sanctity of Carnage In The Name of Jesus Christ`.  

     Here is to be Recognized the current Migrant Crisis as "The Barbarians at the Gates" --- not of Heaven and its Promised "Land of Milk and Honey", but the `Paradise` of Hell itself.


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