Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Uni-Fried Nation

 The American President, Joe Biden, is from an Era of Citizenry that VALUED the so-called Qualities of Democracy, and were,, as a UNIFIED NATION,,, willing to ADVANCE and DEFEND those Specifics AND DID SO in the First and Second World Wars.  Those Patriots are DEAD.  The Era of American Citizen Soldiery IS ALSO DEAD.  The UNIFIED WILL to Advance and Defend the "Cause" of Democracy no longer exists having succumbed to a `supplant-ation` by Primal Instincts cloaked as Nativism and `BLATANT-IZED`  as Neo-American Fascism.  "Globalization" has begotten a PANIC that has influenced MILLIONS to abandon what I will call the Collective Welfare, in an Effort to MAINTAIN what remains of a bygone Status Quo which was built upon ANCIENT Political Dynamics, the Dynamics of the Ante-Bellum South, those Very Same of America's so-called "Founding Fathers", the Fathers of Slavery Capitalism.  

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