Thursday, December 16, 2021

Flower Dour

         A Populace Exhausted by Unremitting Suspicion and mind-bending Anxiety sought Relief by electing a Catholic, JFK, whose wartime Bravery registered as Heroic Messiah-ship.   The "Cuban Missile Crisis" `gave` him UNQUESTIONABLE Authority even over the Red-Scared-Shit.  BUT  his Desire to HALT Communism by any means possible, produced a Youth Aggravated Backlash that ONLY Broken Dreams and Broken SOULS can manifest.      "GOOD MORNING VIET NAM".

        His was the last Vestige of Democracy MUSCLE.   By the Time LBJ rode into Office, Fellow Americans AT EVERY STAGE AND LEVEL OF EXISTENCE could NOT Generate a Will that could sustain Lyndon's once Great Society.  Democracy MUSCLE had atrophied, not only because of Vet Nam but also because of Hippie Degeneration and its FAILURE to FULLY Grasp the EXTENT of its own intramural Disillusionment.   

         ... and so it came to pass, "DON'T TRUST ANYONE".  

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