Sunday, December 12, 2021

Con Federalism

         Conservatives abandoned the Relative Ideals of Democracy in favor of an IRREVERENTLY  modernized Old Testament Demagoguery which, because of its Psychological Primality (Instinctual Reactionism) GUARANTEED immediate and PROFOUND Recognition that Biblical FUNDAMENTALISM could be Harnessed by already compromised politicians to AWAKEN Fear and subsequently HATRED in the Hearts and Bodies of reborn Civil War-ists who had ALREADY been exhausted by a Modernism, they felt, to use a 70's gnash, had "Fucked them Over".   The advent of Propagandal BOMBARDMENT by conservative `news` Outlets REINFORCED the Mental ANGUISH of redneck degenerates and conservative Slavery Capitalists AND an EDUCATED Professional Bourqeoisie (Doctors and Dentists e.g.) whose SOLE Interest was EASE of what they considered to be a Taxation BURDEN.    SelfishNess was somehow elevated to what I will tag, "Self-ISM" --- an "Everybody for themselves" and "Dog eat Dog" political Scion that grew to DEVASTATION-AL ENORMITY due to democrat (now pernicious) "Laissez faire" .  


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