Wednesday, December 22, 2021


         Once "In God We Trust" was printed on every bill and stamped onto every 'metallic Pindar disc' a Fate and Destiny of Plight, Blight and Fright was FOREVER Etched onto and INTO the Minds, Hearts and Souls of an American Populace whose Faith in Trust itself was to be 'torn asunder' by Capitalism's Savage Ravagery.   The Faces of long dead Presidents then became the 'Faces of God'.  Consequently Money was Worshiped, so too its Source, Profit.   "And so it came to pass" that those who HAD Money, REGARDLESS OF THE SOURCE OF ITS ACQUISITION became 'Godlike'.   The more Money you had the Greater your Presence among the `Lessers`.   Ruthless Cruelty, for the Acquisition of Money, was then to be ACCEPTED as "God's Will".   Here now was to be experienced ALL the Power of the All-Mighty THAT COULD NOT BE CHALLENGED for who is ANY to Challenge the Will of God the Father All Mighty ???? !  Let not one stand in Opposition to the Divine for HE is the Ruler of All Peoples and all THINGS.  

        ...and Darkness descended upon the people .

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