Tuesday, December 14, 2021

"Hope Springs in Urinal"

         When HA LF a NATION is Zombiatically DEVOTED to the `Myth of the BIG Lie` one wonders, one MUST wonder,, if  Miss Democracy is even CAPABLE of birthing her own Messiah.   Her last attempt, the birth of JFK was out-of-womb ABORTED by The Almighty and All Powerful who fully understood that JFK was-gonna Futurize the Status Quo and in so doing,       V--A--S--T--L--Y    Diminish the Conservative Socio-Political Influence that sought NOT the Compassion-Laden Politics of Evolutionary Inevitability but instead the garish and garrulous INSANITY of Ante-Bellum Slavery Capitalism.  

          Recall LBJ who, rather than Confront The Almighty and All Powerful,, simply RESIGNED.  

                              "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" ---  "Bye-bye Miss American Pie".  

          Remember Jimmie Carter's Efforts ?                         No one does.

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