Friday, December 31, 2021

Religious Smut

           "Moon-Face" Driver has her [semen leaking] vulva pressed against Will's upper thigh while she coos saddened entreaties for Will to "open up".   `Hunting`,, already 'spent',,, and basking in post-orgasmal Glow, senses "Attack" and kwikly raises his Defenses.  She presses her breasts against his flank in not kwite SEARING Intent and redoubles her Effort to "Break Through".   Will simply WON'T.  He dodges her with one {assess-sion} after another, conceding [make-believe] Inmost Territory with unabashed indignity.  But Driver is DRIVEN.  With Whispers as RAZORS she cuts on Will's Won't.   When she cuts to his CORE he jumps out of her bed in a Blaze of Gory.   



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