Thursday, December 16, 2021

Zombie does what Zombie IS

           I believe it was Marx who was first to attached "Vampirism" to the Capitalist Elite in order to Describe the Systematic Oppression of  the "Proletariat" .   Zombieaticsm  (zom bee at a ciz m) is only myy 'modernization'.   "Brain Death" may be characterized as a WILLFUL stop-age of ALL Intellectual Activity ESPECIALLY with regard to SCIENTIFIC Valuations.  Zombieaticsm, Zombie-Ism for shrt,, is MORE than a mere 'hiatus' of Intellectuality.   Zombies have but ONE Mission, to sustain their existence by eating the brains and flesh of Normal Humans.  This THIS is MAGNIFIED by UNRELENTING SAVAGERY and  near UNSTOPPABLE AGGRESSION.   Here must be Recognized the Intent of not only the 1% , redneck (escaped) asylum-ists, Neo Confederate Ante-Bellum Dogmatists and White Supremacist Psychotics whose WILL for Democracy Annihilation is THE Source of their FORCE.  

        Zombie does what Zombie IS.

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