Thursday, December 16, 2021


         Contemporary political pundits note the 'continuation' of Racism and Bigotry manifested in Goldwater's psycho-laden pseudo patriotic demagoguery, promulgated by trump and his state propaganda machine Fox Nooz,, as if it and ONLY it, produced the mainstream and mainRIVER ConsciousNess of trumpist extreme-ists, corporate Profit Worshiping elitists,and the once 'just reg'lar' of "Nevah, Nevah Land" Idolatry.   What has generated the Zombie-Fication of HA LF our Nation BESIDES the Toxic Atmosphere of Primal Instinctual Psychopathy ?   

        R.D. Laing's Masterpiece, The Politics of Experience DID Receive the RICH Acclaim of fellow Psychoanalysts and SOME of a collegiate population ALREADY leaning AWAY from WWII Era ABSURDIST Psycho-Dynamics, chiefly described by my Hero, Joseph Heller, in HIS Masterpiece Catch-22.    However, once Marshall McLuhan's The Medium is the Message `hit` the Streets, Laing's ability to "loiter over the target" was diminished, as his Psychological ABSTRACTIONS were somewhat Neutralized by McLuhan's `Technologies`.   Folks did NOT have to think -- they could see .

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